How do I disable limiting upgrades? (STALKER: Call of Pripyat)
Tell me how to disable the limitation of upgrades in order to pump things on all counts?Tails With BFG
- configs weapons contains weapon configs
- each weapon in the main section has the upgrades parameter, which contains all the upgrades available for this weapon.
- the second parameter, installed_upgrades, contains all the pre-installed upgrades, mainly on quest guns.
- the third parameter upgrade_scheme - the scheme for installing upgrades, in other words, a link to inventory_upgrade.xml, in which the graphic display of icons is set.
using the PM example, we see that
upgrades = up_gr_ab_pm, up_gr_cd_pm, up_gr_e_pm, up_gr_f_pm, up_gr_g_pm, up_gr_h_pm
installed_upgrades =
upgrade_scheme = upgrade_scheme_u10a
we are looking to start uppm_u10a we find this parameter in configs weapons upgrades w_pm_up.ltx
The quote
elements = up_a_pm, up_b_pm
up_a_pm is in the same file, in this section we immediately see the following: The
scheme_index = 0, 0
effects = up_gr_ac_pm
section = up_sect_a_pm
property = prop_rpm
scheme_index - the position of the first icon, in this case it is the first column line.
effects is a link to a section
elements = up_ac_pm
section is a link to a section in the w_pm_up.ltx file, which contains the following (self-explanatory):
cost = 120
value = +25
rpm = 50
property is a link to the xml-descriptor, in this case it is equal to the "rate of fire"
look further:
precondition_functor = inventory_upgrades.precondition_functor_a
precondition_parameter = a & b
effect_functor = inventory_upgrades.effect_functor_a
effect_parameter = on_weapon_upgrade_system_a
effect_parameter = on_weapon_upgrade_system A script that looks at which mechanic we are pinned to, and, depending on its skill, allows or denies the upgrade.
precondition_parameter is not clear yet.
effect_functor - function of withdrawing money for the performed upgrade
prereq_functor = inventory_upgrades.prereq_functor_a
prereq_tooltip_functor = inventory_upgrades.prereq_tooltip_functor_a
prereq_params = money (1000), item (habar)
name = st_upg_zatvor_rpm
description = st_upg_zatvor_rpm_descr
icon =
ui_wp_upfungrade01 is not used as parameters judging by its parameters
name - the name of the upgrade
description - the description of the upgrade
icon - the icon. everything is taken from the xml file corresponding to the selected language.
let's go back to the effects parameter. it points to something called up_ac_pm, the same upgrade section but for the kickback parameter. it is a level 2 upgrade and depends on up_a_pm and up_c_pm.
As a result, we have that the key point is the upgrades parameter in the file of a specific trunk.
now what needs to be done to have the ability to install all the upgrades. Let 's take a look at this parameter again:
upgrades = up_gr_ab_pm, up_gr_cd_pm, up_gr_e_pm, up_gr_f_pm, up_gr_g_pm, up_gr_h_pm
since up_gr_ab_pm refers to the section in which the game considers these upgrades to be mutually exclusive. so we just need to split this parameter into two parts. here's the corrected line:
upgrades = up_gr_a_pm, up_gr_b_pm, up_gr_c_pm, up_gr_d_pm, up_gr_e_pm, up_gr_f_pm, up_gr_g_pm, up_gr_h_pm
however, sections up_gr_a_pm, up_gr_b_pm, up_gr_c_pm, up_gr_d_pm in upgrades for the trunk and the file can not be, therefore, look at the end of the file w_pm_up.ltx (after all, we are boggling over the PM), and we will make sure that, indeed, there are no sections. add:
elements = up_a_pm
elements = up_b_pm
elements = up_c_pm
elements = up_d_pm is
now the most important thing. almost every trunk has several pre-modified twins, and they are usually described at the end of this trunk config. for PM, there are already 3 sections: wpn_pm_minigame, wpn_pm_up and wpn_pm_9x19. and for each of them, the upgrades parameter is spelled out exactly the same as the value of the parent class. Why do pushing and repeat parameters - I do not understand, but because of this, you will have to copy this parameter with separated upgrades for each modified trunk.
or better yet, comment out this line, leaving only the installed_upgrades parameter.
Is it possible to copy files from Sigerous MOD to the original? at the expense of upgrading weapons