You can't sleep ... (Fallout 4)
Faced a problem when I turn on "Sleep" on my bed, a window pops up "You cannot sleep if you are asked to leave." I do not understand who is asking to leave. Also, there was no "Wait" option when I sat down (there was no "Wait" window). I could only sleep and wait in another house.At first he assumed that Piper (wife) was asking to leave, due to the fact that the GG had a mistress, Kate. Deleted save and returned to save before Keith. I could sleep and wait, but then this problem arose again (sleep and wait).
I assumed that the problem arises from the "League of my companions" mod (v.1.24), with which, when the command "Rest", all the companions go about their business, and by night they go to sleep in different beds, including sleeping on the bed of the GG.
I returned to the old save again, and did not use the functions of the "League of my companions" mod. Now the companions do not sleep at all, and the GG sleeps with Piper in his bed, and can also "Wait".
Who plays with the "League of my companions" mod, tell me - it's a bug of the mod or something else.