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yok0o 03.11.19 03:12 am

FAIR* PVP Tournament (Diablo 2)

Once resolved the issue with pvp-moderators and admin, I propose to collect tournament for people 10+ with interesting prizes, for example:
Ring 10 fcr 14 str 36 hp 80 mp
Ring 10 fcr 116 ar 15 dex 26 hp 77 mp
Small charm 20 5 hp@
Ring 10 fcr 15 dex 56 mp 26 cres 7 md
Ring 10 fcr 12 str 15 dex 28 pres
Jewel 7 fhr 15 allresist
Value is difficult to judge, let the prizes choose your own desired. You can also ked to throw if there is a motion.
Infa would like to appear an understanding of who is still able to adjust the pvp situation on the server.
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YOKOZUNA koko ni aru 03.11.19

Viva Dynamics! Gringo has fallen!

Zen_Master 03.11.19

Spearlock *wsg- / bonemancer

DELETEEND 03.11.19

a kakoy % bloka na wite yavlyaetsa rakoblo4nim ? a esli u menea 500 dex to vse witi rakoblo4nie ?

and finally the suspect pushing the KB moderators who suddenly Amazons swing.. -_- simple sovpadenie

Grinaaa Morningstar 03.11.19

yok0o wrote:
As the next topic of discussion with the rule changes expected fair pvp bent
So write to her anymore.
yok0o Allowed the cast Bo and BC with the call to arms when there is no block above the 10-15% or the absence in the hands of the shield, stormshield, sanctuary, whistan, mosers and similar rakoobraznyh item.
And others where to take? all COA Berber to wear? And how do you know that the unit is not above 10-15%?
yok0o wrote:
- Experiment with anti-passive commitments ( at the discretion of the moderators, starting approximately from what I wrote in the neighbouring topic at the discretion of the decision maker )
And how to understand where and in what case there is a liability, not a strategy or style of play? 10 seconds to count beyond minimap? And who will do it and how long does he need to count?

ALEX_FORUM 03.11.19

Alex-pvp, ijjj, blizz sorc

mofs 03.11.19

His impose. Be conducted, of course, no one will. Waiting for an official statement.

mofs 03.11.19

Hare to jump in

Thraex pig 03.11.19

Let's do this!Samka_piga -a wizard with mana shield,pumped on the element of lightning!

NoneOne2010 03.11.19

Couple of changes no finally. As was and remains in fact, why would it?

yok0o 03.11.19

do not impose purely try
Grenaa Morningstar
Write as necessary / relevant. All the basic ideas outlined
ber ber can be in tiaras 2-20-30-2 to pasupati. How to check the unit Hz. I think about 90% of participants advance one can say they are block or not. The rest will have to look closely. If you have another Vario to recruit others wear the unit without Bo, whatever...
Antipassive you can also make a start on sense and generally accepted standards. If Asya is sitting in the ladders against druid you have to kick. If a druid flies from the Hamer - kick. If Hamer gets smiter - the same and so on. Will be experimenting on the situation.
a very interesting example with a block and Bo for dexasone, view in practice. I think that without the Dr, but with the unit Amazon also balancence happen.

NoneOne2010 03.11.19

by the way, the East will return?

Zen_Master 03.11.19

KST is a reasonable question, about the block, I have a full Vita necro without a single point in Dex block in some nonblack assemblies up to 18-20~%(where equal is worn, the type NvD), and 15% Dex points from armor (except mw). So the maximum value is not less than 20% should be. Well mechanisms view %block modders there.

yok0o 03.11.19

Let's raise to 20. Before all this, you will need to sit down and look different popular setups for different chars, and dance. While all types of water described only concept.

firkax 03.11.19

dream come true of tennisforum, who told me that the block on my hammer against his smiter this unfair (everything happened in a normal pvp game of course)

Shaka_podorojala 03.11.19

Tweety started minus almost like me, do not relax :-)

Yenno 03.11.19

Afraid to participate in the tournament of dinamiks((( otmerit and sue , as usual.

yok0o 03.11.19

last place makes no sense to sue(

DevilMayCry_AID 03.11.19

If I have other/necr are swinging under the block and the block in any case >20% of spirits,Bo will not be able to use?The shadow of the ASI prohibited(do not understand)?And what will happen to the Bo ASI with 60+% block?And I understand the AME can Bo with any shield?
PS the feelings, the rules clearly strengthened Amu compared to other.

Walamaz 03.11.19

We gathered once, a blind, legless, armless, deaf, and dumb to compete. In singing, guitar, swimming, chess and many other games. Look, and chances are that all of to win different. The blind man says, let's tie the eye armless. Said the armless, then legless mouth, glue...
After much debate, the deaf still hands tied and silent in the bag put...
Began to compete, the blind man pulled a gun and shot everyone with a shotgun.

pirya 03.11.19

And where is the balance? The blind man had to plug the ears, to tie my hands and feet then it is. And even some dubious comparison.