Regarding Terrorbite's Clients' Missions (Grand Theft Auto 5)
What happens to the loot when you log out of the session during the client's terbite assignment? (that is, when I complete a task, I have loot, gold or diamonds with me, they kill me, they take the loot, and I leave the session)RPOCLABB
hmm ... it turns out interestingly, that is, my exit from the session does not affect the further development of the client's assignment after I lost the loot?
Maybe it doesn't, I went through these tasks for a long time.
There are 2 options:
1) No effect
2) Setting is completed so as the host came out and kind of like this option vernvy [Climb check laziness]
But the fact that production is lost if at the time of withdrawal, she would not have it 100% so this I I remember, since the game counts for you the loss of goods / failure of the task, and the rest of the players simply cancellation.
PS: I would have answered earlier, but did not see the notification.