Mental. (Serious Sam 3: BFE)
People what do you think the Mental will look like? Although I have some guesses, I want to hear your opinions.At the end of the second Sam, fans were chatting that Mental didn’t exist or more than Sirius
It will be unexpected if it turns out to be the size of a stool.
Well, or a little more than the Sun.
And how to wet it in the second case? Probably piloting a ship 100 times larger than that of the FE.
But suddenly we will get into his intestines at the very beginning of the game, and along the way we will shoot him from inside (he will eat monsters so that they prevent Sam from killing him).
Ha ha ha! And through the whole organism to make their way to his brain, because only there he is vulnerable ("Mental" after all). By the way, that would be nice ..
Through what Sam will get to Mental, I will not say (guess yourself)
Sam's father is Duke Nukem, Mental is a liar!
Sam's father is Duke Nukem, Mental liar!
Then the appearance is clearly not from him ..
Quite simply, it was a joke in the plot at the end of the game when the mental said: "I'm yours about ..." in the hope that Sam will not kill him.
Yeah, maybe the mental is an evil copy of a serious Sam, oh how difficult it will be.
Quite simply, it was a joke in the plot at the end of the game when the mental said: "I'm yours about ..." in the hope that Sam will not kill him.
There was only a bullet-through radio transmitter instead of Mental.
Why would he say that if Sam still doesn't kill him in that part? If it was an attempt to persuade Sam, then it was very stupid.
If Mental is a Doppleganger (double), then it will be sooooo bad ... In the sense of wetting it, it will be difficult)