MGS next project (trollan gaems)
[spoil] All infa that we have. (pictures under the spoiler)[url = http: //] [img] [/ img] [/ url] [/ spoil]
1) The face of BIG BOSS (?) based on the bandage and beard.
It is interesting that the inscription on the beret in French Soldiers without borders may be an echo of the SAS organization in which ZERO was also located.
It's worth adding an interesting overlap with Otacon's face.
[spoil] [url = http: //] [img] [/ img] [/ url] [/ spoil]
2) then a person with an eye patch (possibly injured) which 2) then a person with an eye patch (possibly injured) who resembles RAIDEN. If you look closely, the eye color is different and more likely similar to SUNNY, the shape of the lips, nose and hair color are also the same.
An artificial forehead with a barcode is worth noticing. Perhaps this is a reference to Olga who was killed by a shot in the head.
Also, if you remember that it is raining on the teaser page, then it again refers us to Ryden "you were the lightning in the rain, you can still shine through the darkness".
[spoil] [url = http: //] [img] [/ img] [/ url] [url = http: / / linkedinimgans [/img] [/url] [/spoil]
3) then we have a mask that in itself does not give any hint of mgc5, but you can see it by clicking on the link from the teaser page.
Also, the mask vaguely resembles the face of BOSS (mgs3) and when superimposed coincides with the face of Ryden / Sunny.
4) approximate translation of the interview with Kojima
[spoil] Kojima: A new cyborg ninja. It's not Raiden, but a Raiden kind of feeling. That's him. I can't say the title yet, but it's this kind of feeling. But it's the Metal Gear saga's tradition.
Hamamura: The release date is this year?
Kojima: No, it's later. Maybe 2010. I'm designing / directing.
Hamamura: What! (surprised cause he said he wouldn't do another MGS).
Kojima: We are working first and foremost on the Japanese version, but it is a global release. For me, this is like Metal Gear Solid. I won't call it Solid, but it has a great story and all, the MGS4 staff is working on it.
Hamamura: Wow!
Kojima: At this time, only the image of this guy will appear (Big Boss, referring to the website). Just this. I want everyone to guess who it is. This is how Big Boss will look.
Hamamura: This ... is Big Boss?
Kojima: Big Boss looks slightly different.
Hamamura: Different how?
Kojima: The emblem on his hat is important.
Hamamura: The emblem isn't a fox. There's like a world map thing drawn.
Kojima: It's not only an emblem, it's a new type of organization (it says system in the translation, I think this is wrong).
Hamamura: Is it like Outer Heaven?
Kojima: Yes. You'll see Outer Heaven, Zanzibar, also, they are a given, so they'll be included. Ooops, I've said more than I was planning to. (laughs)
Hamamura: Hahahahaha! Well Outer Heaven and Zanzibar? So where's the game going to be set?
Kojima: The place is ?????. ????? happened, and it's a ????? type of country. There isn't any government in the country, but they do have armies and such. At that time, war follows Big Boss (or some such I don't know).
Kojima: The theme is war. Warfare, conflict, why soldiers fight kinda of theme, that's where we're going. Maybe everyone is probably thinking, This sermon again! Maybe this sermon will become a genre. (laughs)
Hamamura: Ahahahaha!
Kojima: This is quite a deep interview.
Hamamura: So true! [/
[spoil] [url = http: //] [img] [/ img] [/ url] [/ spoil]
+ it looks like the morse code from the page with the mask is not translatable. But it has not yet been tested for Cold War ciphers.
[color = green] [size = 75] Added after 3 minutes 14 seconds: [/ size] [/ color]
you can even like this
[url = http: //] [img] http: // s55 / i149 / 0905/65 / c0a822da3320.jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[b] Ganxta [/ b], I read the comments of the guy who is engaged in such garbage, he said that it does not fit the current ciphers. He has a grandfather who was wearing green berets, he attracted him to cooperation: gigi:
[b] FoxXIII [/ b], I put everything together in order not to flood in two topics and not answer 100 times to one question. So drop your ideas here: D
Shorter versions:
- the first game on PS3, the prehistory of solidus, or a prequel to the 4th part about solidus ..
- the second game, on the PS3 about Ryden in the future ...
- the first game on PSP MGAcid 3! The style of painting is very similar .. or a remake of METAL GEAR ..
- the second game about cyborg snatchers
what other ideas?
[quote] The shape of the lips, nose and hair color is also the same. [/ quote]
And in my opinion the nose does not match.
[b] sergoleone [/ b],
On ps3 there can be no prehistory of mk 7 years after mgc4.
Here is my idea: The
bearded otokan is the head of some organization, and we will play for Ryden, following the orders of the 1st.
I think that it would be logical to have something similar to a snetcher on the PSP. On ps3, Kojima will save something to squeeze out the maximum power for the visual part. Therefore, depending on how.
If the game is about ninja, then we should assume that it wakes up an action game without stealth, which means you need a ps3 for all the beauties.
In general, the face of both the ninja and the bigboss is made on the same engine as in MGS4, so I think they will be together in one game.
Well, on the PSP game about something about the story of the transition from patriots to another completely new problem with snetchers.
I imagine that the mask is a face when assembling a snetcher or something like that. Well, if everything is intertwined with the characters of the MGS, then it finally wakes up the demolition of the boss. A new dimension will open: D
The problem is that a virus appeared in the snetcher in 199x that destroyed the whole earth and this does not coincide with the MGS.
but the snetcher has its own measure
[quote name = "sergoleone"] More versions:
- the first game on PS3, the prehistory of solidus, or a prequel to the 4th part about solidus ..
[/ quote]
Solidus did not have a left eye
And what are these masks? : eek: Will the new MGS take place on the continent of Africa?)
[b] Timsonic [/ b], from the teaser site there is a link to another teaser site with a mask
[b] grasa [/ b],
aa .. understandable) Damn .. Kojimych has something daring in mind! I love cybernetic people) I want Raiden! : agree:
[off] AAAA !!! I'm already worn out ... I want PS3 exclusives, but I'm also interested in multi too .. there is no money for everything ((eeh ... [/ off]