Specter Requests ME3 (Mass Effect Legendary Edition)
Has anyone bought a weapon from this store for 150,000 credits? There was a free weapon, but now it is for millionaires. I went through almost the whole game (now Tessia), and there are 50,000 thousand credits, and that is due to the fact that I have accumulated a bunch of quests ...Vladimir LeGioN Mindubaev Bought
. Fortunately, subsequent improvements are cheap (from 2k and upward). You can grind money in the Armax arena (Citadel DLC). 1 gold token - 10k, the skating rink takes somewhere, at most - one and a half minutes. Or a casino, but this is so ...
Thanks for the answer. Well, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the night of battles at the Arsenal Armax arena!"
Vladimir LeGioN Mindubaev
In your opinion, it’s better when you don’t know where to put your money, as in the first part? There you can collect 10 lemons after the middle of the game. But the sense of this money, then there is almost nothing to spend it on.
Andrei YP
And here I, thinking that by the end of the game I will be $$$, I spent N amount in empty, as in the second part. I just don't understand which is better to buy ...