Best Game 2008
We can say that the main hits have already been released, so you can safely choose the best game. Please write the reasons for your choice, and not just "GeOW 2 Forever !!"I personally vote for MGS 4.
1) An excellent plot, worthy of a whole movie
2) Personally, I really liked the gameplay and even seemed more developed than in MGS 3. But this is my subjective opinion
3) Graphics at the level
4) The game is thought out to the slightest detail
PS I apologize in advance if in the survey I did not indicate any game that, in your opinion, deserves the title of the best game of 2008.
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MGS4 for me is the game of the year, without options: flowers:: encore: You can
describe the delights for a long time, whoever played - he will understand, and who will not bite his nails :)
from the presented one was torn between a fallout and a super smash throw but made a difficult choice in favor of the latter 8)
1. For an excellent history and ideological component of the game
2. For excellent graphics and excellent production of videos
3. For good gameplay and an excellent choice of weapons (I, as a weapon lover, was very happy for such a cool arsenal, not a single gun I wanted to see in games, was not forgotten by the developers)
4. For a good sound and OST (although, I’m unlikely, I will listen to it separately from the game, in the game it sounds very cool, it doesn’t lock on to any one style)
But this is so, briefly, I will write the full version of the mini-review in the corresponding topic.