Looking for a casual game
In the game, time was given at the beginning. It was necessary to lay pipes, and in a minute water flowed through them. I played for a long time, I don't remember the name. Nobody knows? : help:Is this by any chance the one where there was a cube world and in the beginning it was necessary to grow a tree?
Xs. the point was in laying pipes - I ran the pipe according to the bonus, the water flowed there, I got a chip. In C the disk was.
I know this only for the first Sonya ...
[img] [/ img]
Maybe it will help ...
I found a similar one - it is necessary to remake the rails for the train. but with pipes and water is more interesting. : sad:
[b] Observer [/ b], pipe so in general you can probably run it on zyz. : agree:
[b] Aziphov [/ b], You can. I started it, but deleted it later. Here [url = http: //snesorama.us/board/showthread.php? t = 15263 & highlight = Pipe + Dreams] here [/ url] is link to PSX image.
[color = green] [size = 75] Added after 1 hour 36 seconds: [/ size] [/ color]
Special for yu ... there is no music in some places) and made a finished game for the PSP.
Screenshots ...
[img] http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/3517/64235985eh2.jpg [/ img] [img] http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/7896/19682043ed1.jpg [/ img] [img] http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/173/17930600gx1.jpg [/ img]
[url = http: //ifolder.ru/2982760] DOWNLOAD [/ url]
plya, I remember was on the si disk. tomorrow I'll rummage in a stack of their disks, we can find it.
[b] Observer [/ b], senks. and then I downloaded it with demolition tools, and there is a format that is not familiar to me.
[b] Cayenne [/ b], how?
[b] Observer [/ b], I was confused by the extension, but popstation did everything.