Coolest character in the industry
Who is the coolest in the gaming industry? Disputes about this do not go away for years. I decide for someone to put an end to this bloody discussion.Personally, I think that Solid Snake, and Tommy Angelo.
[quote name = "Sasha @ FOX"] Dante is that blonde ??? : roll:: shock:: | [/ quote]
Not not ... this is that walker from MGS2.
Kidding. Of course this is that Blond, he is cooler than eggs. Although no - he is cooler than the coolest eggs. No lie - he's cooler than the coolest twisted eggs. Steep shorter
Max Payne
Prince of Persia (Part 2 especially)
Solid Snake
[color = green] [size = 75] Posted after 2 minutes 7 seconds: [/ size] [/ color]
Oh, and Reno, Sephiroth, well and Squall.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are the coolest characters in the games. : upto:: upto:: upto: Kawabanga!
Ryo Hazuki (Shenmue)
Agent47 (Hitman)
Rayne (BloodRayne)
A.Wesker (RE)
M.Payne (Max Payne)
Melpfis (Grandia2)
Well, yes, Freeman also fits,
And I also forgot the important person - Lucas Kane !!!!
What combos he did in Fahrenheit! : shock:: wink:
Lucas Kane is cool ??? Don't make people laugh! At the end of the game, he looks like a corpse, he is about to die from the experience !!!
Lucas Kane is cool ???
[/ quote]
don't run into Kane! it's almost like Max Payne.
[quote name = "ACE HM"]
don't run into Kane! it's almost like Max Payne. [/ quote]
Toko his heart beats so hard from fear that my dualshock jumps out :)
[b] Tann3r [/ b], a silent nuclear physicist who knows how to handle a tire iron and a rocket launcher in the same way, fighting alone against special forces and aliens, what could be cooler? And with glasses :) Freeman, Freeman !!! : P
Since basically the characters are repeated, can we arrange a vote?
[quote name = "* Olessia *"] [b] Tann3r [/ b], A silent nuclear physicist who knows how to handle a tire iron and a rocket launcher alike, fighting alone against Special Forces and Aliens, what could be cooler? And with glasses :) Freeman, Freeman !!! : encore:
Since basically the characters are repeated, can we arrange a vote? [/ quote]
I am for the vote and for Freeman.
... My Persian from Fallout! Remember irradiated with a broken arm and a black eye, nakachany psihoinom, mentatsom and other dope escaped the dungeon of the cathedral (after the activation of the warhead: twisted:) and coolly made Fatality each burst of super mutants Dzhekhemera: fight:
. Postal-dude (from Postal)
. Torque (from Suffering)
. Avatar (from the Ultima series)
still remember ...