There will be only one left.
There are three of them, contenders for the best male role in the game.Applicant # 1: John is named Jack, and Naked Snake is his codename (Metal Gear Solid 3). Ideal physical training, adapted to survive in any situation, has a cool stomach, can eat everything from spiders to modern types of food . Perfectly owns all types of weapons from the knife to the M63 and SVD.
Applicant # 2: Gordon Freenam (Half-Life 2). Well, what can we say about the guy who chose a very strange type of weapon - a crowbar. With this crowbar, he lays down monsters with one blow, even a shotgun is inferior to him.
Applicant # 3: Riddick (The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape Bather Bay). I think everyone has watched The Chronicles of Riddick, he's just a kind thug.
But which of them is the best, it's up to you, if you want, justify your choice.
God of war
And here a lot of people have been forgotten:? For example, I would give my vote for Dante from Devil May Edge :)
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