Fire emblem warriors
Genre - Action
Developer - Omega Force / Team Ninja
Publisher - Nintendo
Platform - Nintendo Switch
Release date - autumn 2017
A new game in the PU universe has been announced. This time an action game in the style of Dynasty Warriors. Will be released in the fall. In the video, Chrome from FE: Awakening lit up. Apparently, the strikes will be done in the style of the main game - with animated portraits during special attacks.
There is a hope that it will be at least at the level of Hyrule Warriors, which I went through with pleasure, despite the standard problems for warriors
For the most part, it is interesting how heroes and units with wyverns and pegasus will be introduced. There is no doubt about simply mounted units, in Hyrule they have already done this.
And I also want to know if there will be a system of weaknesses and several types of weapons, if the hero owned them in the original. Obviously tonics and Khilians will be hung on the d-pad as objects.