Sonic Lost World
18 October 2013
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Screenshots of the Wii U version
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Screenshots of the 3DS version
[/ spoil] the scores for both games are NOT VERY VERY
Oooh, even Edge and Eurogamer were in solidarity in their assessment, which means that something is definitely wrong. Wow Sonic why this particular part was destined to become a new fail = . Ookey put Wii Yu back on the dusty shelf, waiting for Mario.
Modified on October 18, 2013 by ZenforsoAs for me, the new sonic turned out great.
I don't know what you might not like.
Good old sonic, with interesting gameplay ideas.
[member = 'Bioiok'] played? we are just looking at the estimates so far.
People, what's the difference between 3ds and Wii U version, except for graphics? The content interests.
[member = 'VLQ'], blin, and the demo cannot be downloaded because after the update, the shop does not plow! I didn't want to update, I played Zelda, everything was normal.