Nvidia gtx 750 ti error 43 + screen artifacts
Good day, comrades. I have a problem and I do not understand what it is connected with. I put the vidyushku on my computer with wines 10 off version, and updated the firewood in appearance accordingly. but the trouble is that artifacts and error 43 appear, but everything worked fine on the old system unit. I put the SSD to check the video card and everything showed fine. But there is also a tenth Windows but I do not remember what version there is. For it does not load beyond the loading screen. I put the HDD on which Windows 10 is fresh and everything is back to the artifact ah and error 43. What can someone tell me to do? SOS!Gruberus
Gruberus wrote:
... the problem and I don't understand what it is connected with ...
How old is the video card, where was it bought (in a store, with hands)?
Dismantle the driver and reinstall it for verification. But, error 43 can also talk about the "chip dump", then that's all.
It was used on another system unit where everything worked fine. I put it on my hardware and the result on the screen. And so old vidyushka. It's just that the old sistemnik has outlived its own.
The fact of the matter is that I put an SSD on which there was firewood and there is no picture break, everything shows correctly, but I put my HDD and the whole picture is like this
Gruberus The
matter is in the drivers. Remove completely and re-install should help.