Alien pets (Stellaris)
Well, actually, I am mining this resource. And what to do with it next? I don't seem to see any buildings with him. Why is it needed at all?The xenophiles have a zoo.
Upd: Everyone has a zoo, except for xenophobes.
Spoilerhttp: // % D0% B3% D0% B8% D0% B8-3101308.jpeg
And I don't understand the meaning of the zoo at all. It's too hard with him - first you need to find a resource, and it is not always available, and then you also need to spend a cell. And this is just for the sake of + 5% happiness. And only on one planet.
Well nafig.
Ilya Rak
Suppose I have people on my planet (I play space foxes). They are xenophobic fanatics. They refuse to work and demand to give them the planet, persuading neighboring synths to rise. I cannot cut them out because of the moral ethical norms of the empire. Question: Do you have any better ideas than "cure"?
Kasaler Can priests be
treated? I thought only newborns could have different ethics.
Well, in my 40 years, xenophobes individualists have become xenophiles collectivists.
And why did you give her 10 out of 10 in that case?
In general, well done that he spoke. Now go ahead and play Dotan.
AND WHERE DID THEY COME FROM THERE? sorry for the caps. Evict or bribe with influence, or increase happiness, but the simplest thing is to cut the population for 50 influence and 400 credits until everything works out ...
Parameter "Change of principles". If it goes into plus or bad because citizens will receive principles different from the "official". And this is a decrease in the level of happiness and separatist inclinations. But if this parameter goes into minus, then citizens will accept the principles of the empire.
I know that. I just thought that this parameter is responsible only for the created settlements, and not for everything.
Honestly, this is only a temporary method. It is better to just throw ghouls into the sector, and no one will rebel.