Studying of foreign language
I want to try to learn a language (specifically Italian) online. Please advise similar thematic sites. No, they were not banned in Google, I just would like to know if someone from the members of the forum has been doing something like this and can advise something. Free paid sites, premium accounts, and so on - it does not matter. The main thing is to really have a good base of the language.5 Comments
Pffff don't be like everyone else. Buy a ticket to Italy and don't take any more money with you. you will only learn to spank.
Websites are all bullshit, you need a native speaker. Who will rule the inevitable spells of pronunciation? Decoding slang expressions, which are half in any language? You need a person either from there, or from those who were not chanted with pissing rags for Jamshut-style, then there will be a sense.