Kombat Pack 2 (Mortal Kombat X)
Please tell me what's new? do you hear anything about Kombat Pack 2 for pc or finally decided not to release it?Valet_Saint As far
as I know, they completely screwed up the support, but then they collected a petition, I don't know whether they collected the required number of votes or not, or if they even collected enough to motivate them !? but that was a long time ago, I think it's worth burying the MCX on a PC ...
The MKH on the PC already has no support, but you're talking about DLC.
And what will this petition change?
Frontier buccaneer
well, a petition is the last hope for gamers when there are no other options. There are many examples in the gaming industry and not only when, after a large number of votes in a petition, they achieved what they wanted, but here I think it will not work.
Heard, because apparently I'm the only one following the news in the MK universe! In short, recently, in the incentive, the developers were shamanizing something over the game. We see QLock, which, instead of High Voltage, are testing something. In short, that's all I know.
Oh yes, I almost forgot about the proof:
It is highly unlikely that they will even pay attention to this.