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ACE 23.10.21 10:40 pm

Just Cause: Viva La Revolucion!

[b] EIDOS Interactive [/ b], one of the largest game publishers and developers of video and computer games, announced the game [b] JUST CAUSE [/ b] on [b] Xbox360 [/ b]. Developed by [b] Avalanche Studios [/ b], the game will be released in fall 2006. As previously announced, the release will also take place on [b] PS2, Xbox and PC. [/ B]

[b] Screenshots from PC [/ b]

[url = http: //img524.imageshack.us/my.php ? image = screen10jb.jpg] [img] http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/3866/screen10jb.th.jpg [/ img] [/ url] [url = http: //img524.imageshack.us/ my.php? image = screen29ao.jpg] [img] http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/3381/screen29ao.th.jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http: //img524.imageshack.us/my.php? image = screen38ro.jpg] [img] http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8210/screen38ro.th.jpg [/ img] [ /url Wavebreakmedia [url=http://img524.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screen43us.jpg> [img524.imageshack.us/img524/7228/screen43us.th.jpg [] img] [/ url]
[url = http: //img89.imageshack.us/my.php? image = screen58zp.jpg] [img] http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2944/screen58zp.th. jpg [/ img] [/ url] [url = http: //img89.imageshack.us/my.php? image = screen66qq.jpg] [img] http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/3294/screen66qq .th.jpg [/ img] [/ url]
[url = http: //img524.imageshack.us/my.php? image = screen74sm.jpg] [img] http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/ 2623 / screen74sm.th.jpg [/ img] [/ url] [url = http: //img89.imageshack.us/my.php? Image = screen82dn.jpg] [img] http://img89.imageshack.us /img89/2169/screen82dn.th.jpg [/img] [[]]
[url = http: //img524.imageshack.us/my.php? image = screen99zc.jpg] [img] http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8485/screen99zc.th.jpg [/ img] [ /url Wavebreakmedia [url=http://img89.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screen106nv.jpg> [img] [img89] img] [/ url]
[url = http: //img524.imageshack.us/my.php? image = screen119dk.jpg] [img] http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/5164/screen119dk.th. jpg [/ img] [/ url] [url = http: //img524.imageshack.us/my.php? image = screen127ku.jpg] [img] http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8004/screen127ku .th.jpg [/ img] [/ url]

[b] First screenshots from Xbox360 [/ b]

[url = http: //img89.imageshack.us/my.php? image = 162lr.jpg] [img] http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/7619/162lr.th.jpg [/ img] [ /url Wavebreakmedia [url=http://img89.imageshack.us/my.php?image=135ql.jpg> [img ]http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/6024/135ql.th.jpg [] img] [/ url]
[url = http: //img89.imageshack.us/my.php? image = 142fy.jpg] [img] http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/4597/142fy.th. jpg [/ img] [/ url] [url = http: //img89.imageshack.us/my.php? image = 154md.jpg] [img] http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2867/154md .th.jpg [/ img] [/ url]

Looks great. Over 300 missions with dynamically changing objectives and free gameplay in a vast world are expected.
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ACE 23.10.21

[b] CyHDyK [/ b], no questions asked. You are free to do whatever you want, as long as it does not contradict the criminal code of the Russian Federation. : mrgreen:

CyHDyK 23.10.21

I just don't understand how you can like this bad taste ...

ACE 23.10.21

[b] CyHDyK [/ b], well, don't understand.

Sultan 23.10.21

All this reminds me of the Total Overdous game. : |

ACE 23.10.21

[b] Sultan [/ b], what's so sad? :)

CyHDyK 23.10.21

I guess why:
because STE is tasteless trash.

ACE 23.10.21

[b] CyHDyK [/ b], :-D

Nuka 23.10.21

The hero is 100% crazy, but this thing will be released on PS2, so I'll download and play.

Sultan 23.10.21

No, not sad ACE: D, I really liked Total Overdous, just to the point that these two games are terribly similar. : P

ACE 23.10.21

[b] Sultan [/ b], but there were no such amazing flights in total:
[img] http://img436.imageshack.us/img436/9378/608ji1.jpg [/ img]

Sultan 23.10.21

That's for sure: D, so I'll look forward to it. : mrgreen:

M0rr0 23.10.21

[b] ACE [/ b], screen from which platform?

ACE 23.10.21

[b] M0rr0 [/ b], from PC.

RIPPER12 23.10.21

screenshots (Xbox360)
[url = http: //xboxyde.com/gallery_3472_en.html] http://xboxyde.com/gallery_3472_en.html [/ url]
[url = http: //xboxyde.com/gallery_3734_en.html] http : //xboxyde.com/gallery_3734_en.html [/ url]
videos (Xbox360)
[url = http: //xboxyde.com/leech_2676_en.html] http://xboxyde.com/leech_2676_en.html [/ url]
[url = http: //xboxyde.com/leech_2897_en.html] http://xboxyde.com/leech_2897_en.html [/ url]

ACE 23.10.21

[b] RIPPER12 [/ b], I already posted all this on the previous page.

Kaileena 23.10.21

About two months ago, in my opinion, I downloaded a video of the game from Gamespot. He reminded me of GTA, only a little more abruptly. I especially liked the garbage with a parachute, which he can attach to cars and helicopters. In general, if it comes out on Sonya, then why not play? My console is chipped reliably and correctly, the games are cheap, so it would be a sin not to buy.

CyHDyK 23.10.21

I never understood those people who in GTA saw only pedestrian firing ...... GTA is much more. it is a great design, vivid characters, awesome dialogues. I don't see that in Just Cause.

Garr1lla 23.10.21

Tomorrow demo live: crazy:

ACE 23.10.21

[b] CyHDyK [/ b], patamushta (c) you don't have it yet: mrgreen:

CyHDyK 23.10.21

will be - I'll see. but I can already see from the main character that this is the second grade.