Breaking experience through save (Idol Manager)
For people who just love to four. Found how to hack the experience of a producer through a save. We save, and go along the path AppData LocalLow Glitch Pitch Idol Manager data the name of the group, there is a folder with manual_saves, we are looking for the desired save "small letters". Opens "save.json" with notepad or any other text application Ctrl + F looking for "staff__Staff" in this structure there are "skills" and "exp" enter 500000 and save the file. It looks like thisSpoiler "staff__Staff": [
"id": 1,
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"nickname": "Khan",
"HireDate": "2021-07-15 00: 00:00 ",
" type ": 10,
"exp": 500000.0,
"lastFrameWorking": false
"skill_type": 8,
"primary": false,
"exp": 500000.0,
"lastFrameWorking": true
"LevelledUp": true,
"PreferredStyle": 0,
"PreferredProposals": -1,
"isWorking": true,
"isResearching": false,
"skillInUse": 8,
"state": 1,
"textureAssets": []
You can also give more experience to Persians.