Soren Russkiy
- Yes, unfortunately I'm not really a fan of those people who spoil such plants. It's one thing if your sister used them for scientific purposes. No, I don't care about poachers. Another person is doing this.
Light on the PDA receives a message that the main department has been attacked, the commander is no longer there.
- So ... - Lightning looks with a worried face. “Well,†a nervous chuckle, “I’m the commander of Alterra on the march now.
- Well, listen, who is using Sateyan tobacco for scientific purposes now? - Marasian chuckled kindly, - well, maybe only metaphysicians and conspiracy theorists. Do they need to get ideas for wonderful stories from somewhere? - the message interrupted his speech, and he, by chance, looked at his wrist PDA, on which there were only messages from his daughter, who, as always, sent pictures with a strange, personally for him, humor. Light's phrase did not pass by the sensitive fox's ear - I don't know, honestly, to congratulate you, or you shouldn't. And now ... I have to move away. You can talk to Vern. Wonderful interlocutor! - Rassky said with a mockery.
- Yes, shut up, you lousy collar! - the lizard turned sour, while the fox was disconnected from the connection, - and ... This is ... So ... - he did not understand how to start a more or less adequate dialogue with Light, - m ... Are you a woman, or a man?
Leaving the ship on autopilot, the engineer unfastened from the seat, got up from behind it, straightened his shoulders, somehow sighing with relief, briskly walked towards the cabin, where, in theory, his new, or old, acquaintances were supposed to be.
On the way, he tried to somehow less caustically respond to everything that his daughter sent him, who also asked to say hello to "cat-aunt-Cat" and "Uncle Paul", whom she had already greatly missed in her time.
Paul Langerhans
Soren Rassky
Paul sat in the far corner of the cabin and smoked directly above the ventilation hood, so the vast majority of the smoke got into the ventilation. Somewhere in the distance sat Kat, who did not want to be next to her husband at this moment.
Having finished smoking the last cigarette in the pack, Paul threw it into the trash along with the cigarette butt. Soren soon appeared in the cabin.
- Oh, hello, you're just in time. It's boring to the point of impossibility, - said Paul, - How are things?
Paul Langerhans
Soren was neutral towards smokers, although he himself had already tried to quit this habit that was destroying him, which was only hurting him.
He only disliked if he smoked in the presence of children, pregnant women, or in the wrong places.
- Hi, Paul, - he waved his right hand, and sat down next to him, casually, gently, hugging the same limb. Marasian - there is a Marasian. Initially - a very tactile people - did you choke stress with resins? I did that too, in the service. Only nonsense is all. It never helped. But who am I saying all this to, after all? You’re a doctor, even though you’re a psychiatrist, not a pulmonologist, â€he folded his ears, chuckling, and smiling calmly, looking at the Batpony,“ are all the wounded feeling fine?
Soren Russky
- Yes, sort of. - Paul smiled, - I don’t know, it helps me more or less. However, I also have a brandy flask. As for the wounded ... Yes, everyone feels fine, every couple of hours I make a round and interview those who were wounded. It's okay for now.
He was sensitive to the fact that Soren hugged him, as he was partly familiar with the culture and characteristics of the Marasians.
Paul Langerhans
- I am glad that there is one among us who can provide medical assistance to the wounded, and at the same time not kill himself or those around him, - the Marasian let him go, - listen, here my daughter said hello to you, and said to show you what -this message. It is in a strange, personal language for me, and I do not know it. I don't even understand how to read, and then ... Also ... A drawing ... - he flipped through the correspondence with quick fingers and showed the PDA. It was a correspondence with a young marasian named Lyra, about 15 years old, in a light, summer, light white dress, who, on her avatar, smiling broadly, was holding a huge bouquet of Terran yellow and red tulips with both hands, in which he could hardly fit, putting his good face on part of the buds themselves.
The message contained an extremely humorous drawing, which, although it was made minimalist, showed something. Apparently, some kind of metaphor: A small, Equestrian foal, a gray Batpony, with a purple mane, like Paul's, fearfully huddled in the corner of the room, wrapped in a straitjacket. From the child, because of the light depicted by the lamp, a shadow fell on the gray wall, turning into the outline of the face of the same Paul, but already an adult, with a cold look and a sarcastic smile, and a syringe in his teeth.
The inscription, in the message, was: "Bono ingenio me esse ornatum, quam multo auro mavolo."
Soren really didn't know any of the Terran languages. His knowledge ended only in "Lay down on the floor, you bastard!", "Hands behind your head!" or "Where are your troops ?! Where are the guerrillas, nit ?!"
Soren Russky
- An interesting drawing ... - Paul froze, examining him carefully, - The best decoration is a pleasant character, not a mountain of gold ... And she has a talent, she knows how to draw, I like it.
Paul hugged Soren as he knew he would be pleased.
- I hope I'll see her again. he replied.
Soren Russkiy
- As far as I understand, you don't have much experience in communication ... Yes, here it seems to me even a fool will understand that I am a girl. Ahem, what are you doing? What is your occupation?
What if someone says "Oh my God!" does this mean that he is praying to God? ... It was dumb ...
Oh oh oh, what an offended boy who does not redeem the roflov ((((
Go to the temple, pray to God, maybe your mind will increase, and they will exorcise the devil from you, canon supporter
And do not litter the chat with a role-playing plot)
Paul Langerhans
- I will definitely arrange a meeting for you somehow. She says she misses the fact that you don't write out wheels for her, even out of harm, - the marasian giggled sarcastically, - she missed Kat too, but I already told you that. How did you manage to get to this unfortunate planet, where you were all smashed like straw?
- And I ... Uh ... I'm a locksmith! Ship, in general, well, sometimes I practice at the locks. Well, you know ... This is ... They study for him in vocational school! Do you know what a vocational school is? Here I am - yes! They even accepted me, who can hardly read in transgalactic! Huh ... Ah ... who are you? And ... Why "you"? You are the only one here, in touch. And I am alone. There is no one next to me.
Soren Russky
- You better ask Naito about this, he will answer better, he just asked us to help. - said Paul, and then added with a grin, - Well, you tell her that I will write her something, even purely out of harm.
Soren Russky
- Have you heard of manners? To little-known people, and, in principle, out of respect, in dialogues they turn to "you". I look like that, in life you were not taught anything, right? .. Also your "Job", which they took you with a stretch ..
Light did not like to speak badly about others. But at the moment it was true. Lightning partially abhorred the creature behind the screen.
Paul Langerhans
- Yes, "wicked-uncle-Paul", - he gave out, rather, a local joke, - you studied as a psychiatrist in Equestria? I had one friend, also from Equestria ... Actually, in fact, a scary pony. Major of the galactic police. An alcoholic, he beat his subordinates, among whom there is a friend of mine, a Satayan ... But he corrected himself, as I know. I gave up alcohol. The devil knows how, but he did it. I had great experience. It seems like I even got married, but that's none of my business. Let the forest roll to hell ... - sighed, at the end, the man, - But I have become quite rude. If suddenly someone needs something, you can enclose the entire refrigerator that I have here. There, for the most part, canned vegetables and rations in vacuum bags.
- If this bothers you so much, then ... Sorry ... - Vern apologized, scratching his head, - I did not live in conditions where they say ... The way you say ... But this is not an excuse, you know ... Ah ... So ... You also flew here on SOS?
Soren Russky
- Yes, in Equestria, at Luampdshire Medical University on Gantar V, Paul replied, although Equestria itself is unlikely to be recruited into the galactic police. It is very difficult to get out of it. Most likely he was from some other Equestrian state.
After that, he grinned and took a flask from his pocket, and opening it drank a little from there.
- Will you? - He asked, - And it's so good, if you don't mind, then in half an hour I'll take a little round your refrigerator.
Soren Russky
- Sorry. - Light smiled at him, - Yes, right. I do not know how my PDA tracked this signal, because it was clearly tuned for Alterra. Probably, since this has happened, it should be so. You know, life is ironic: it can bring the most unfamiliar people to each other, and as a result, they can become best friends, and maybe lovers. I see this all the time.
Thanks for the offer, but I personally refuse, such toxic people as some of the locals, still look ... in vain just went to the forums tab spore
Paul Langerhans
- Oh, friend, thanks, but I only drink on holidays, and if not driving, - Soren tactfully refused brandy. Even when it came to alcohol, I preferred quality wine. He did not pay attention to what happened overboard, talking with Paul, - what do you think: We will be pumped up with something, beaten and released, or will they be interrogated?
- Oh, yes ... It ... It happens. Sometimes you are brought to the right place, and sometimes you in vain perceive the sign of fate as an echo of "above", and rush forward the locomotive, hoping to find your destiny, but something ... So ... - the lizard blinked his eyes, - absolutely something ... Well ... I decided to fall into melancholy! Heh ... Ah .. I think you are here, of course, not for nothing. Here ... Good? Probably ... Ah ... AAA !!! - Seeing what was happening, Vern hid under the table on which the communicator was located. The lizard hologram is gone. But not for long. He got out again, and turned it on, then, trying to somehow get out of an extremely awkward situation, - M ... Do you like music?
Nothing bad happened to the ships of Verne and Soren.
Damn, I understand. I came to whine, to speak out, and they are already spitting you like meat, turning into a chop.
Emergency news broadcast from Fenom:
* Today at 5 o'clock in the morning an unknown man stood under the captain's quarters and shouted:
- Biiiiiii
Why he yelled, and what "bi" means is still being clarified.
* At 14 o'clock in one of the baths, half to death, a girl was found who spent 15 hours in the bath, bending over a vat of water, stroking her hair, saying words unknown to anyone. When they found her, she was still in this trance, albeit unconscious, saying "Timothy, Timothy, Timothy"
* at 17 o'clock there were conversations about what to do, if not all types of top heels and makeup, and what if the day is not ours , to which the young representatives of Fenom began to reply "Always", giggling and exchanging glances.
* And finally. A recent police-guarded murder site was completely cleared of evidence and traces of blood before it was determined who was killed and how. The culprit is believed to be the famous criminal genius Mister Proper.
That was the end of Fenom's breaking news, thank you for your attention. Back to the regular program ...