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Gasm 06.11.21 06:18 pm

Battlefield 2142

Who can say anything about this game :)
I think the game rules: twisted:
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mukor 06.11.21

[url = http: //forums.gamemag.ru/viewtopic.php? t = 434776] http://forums.gamemag.ru/viewtopic.php?t=434776 [/ url]
I was the first to create :) but igruha in general Rulezzzz: twisted:

Sultan 06.11.21

[b] Gasm [/ b], first use the search, and then create a theme. : wink:

mukor 06.11.21

[b] Sultan [/ b], and what kind of search? (until the topic is closed, we still have time to flood: D)

Sultan 06.11.21

[b] mukor [/ b], at the top of your monitor, in the middle, two lines are written, you see a search written there, so you enter into it what you need and gives you what it found. : wink:

mukor 06.11.21

[b] Sultan [/ b], in the middle ?? on my left. And nothing about the forum

Sultan 06.11.21

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This is what you should have, there is a written search, here you go into it and enter.
PS All finished flooding [b] mukor [/ b].

Gasm 06.11.21

Who knows about exclusive weapons how to get (: clever: I mean, not equipment that you already get as you level up your character) but exclusive.
And then, having killed the character at the same time, he decided to heal and used the yoke of equipment and saw a new barrel, just did not manage to use you as they poked him with a press (: | while I was examining him and stabbed)