Hi, All!
Est 'ATI i Win 98.
Ochen 'hochetsya poigrat' v NOLF 2.
No igra trebuet DirectX 8.1.
A on ne ustanavlivaetsya, govorit "ne ta sistema".
Chto delat '? Ne pereustanavlivat 'zhe.
Kstati, kakie vpechatleniya ot igry?
Tell me where in the cinema to find the secret hall, otherwise I’m going through it for the second time and I can’t find it!
Tell me where in the cinema to find the secret hall, otherwise I have been going through it for the second time and I cannot find it!
In the hall there is a chair with a raised seat - it is a lever for opening a secret entrance.
Tell me where in the cinema to find the secret hall, otherwise I’m going through it for the second time and I can’t find it!
In the hall there is a chair with a raised seat - it is a lever for opening a secret entrance.
Thank you very much!
in short, in the 3rd mission, the fence is under the sprinkle. burnt myself more than one pair of eggs. It's a complete mess. ran around everything, found a safe, also does not open, help ...
in short, in the 3rd mission, the fence is under the sprinkle. burnt myself more than one pair of eggs. It's a complete mess. ran around everything, found a safe, it also does not open, help ... The fence must be de-energized, there is a switch in the building.