Sequel to Doom (Doom (2016))
how do you think Doom 2016 will have a sequel and what will it be? I believe they will copy the second original part)I think the additions will be rolled out to begin with, and in time there will be the next part. The ending of the plot does not speak ambiguously about the continuation.
In general, it would not be bad to run around in such memories of our character, because this is not his first run to hell and back ... and then again to hell and back. The same Templar armor, the sword from the end (which was mentioned in the annals) is not bad as a weapon. A retrospective on Doom 3 and Mars with Phobos at the time. Jumping into the distant past with the Templars (under a bersh with a sword like a chainsaw to the right and left to chop all kinds of kicks). Can even attract ancient races. Where weapons will be artifacts in the manner of the soul cube and the heart of hell.
In the meantime, you need to watch SnapMap - how interesting it is to everyone. And whether the multiplayer will be able to keep the players in the game - for the loner ends up one way or another.
Considering that Phobos and Deimos were scored and we immediately killed the leader spider, which was the final boss of the first part, then maybe we will be sent to Earth- Hell on Earth
Judging by the sales, the idea is not dismissed. I haven't seen the ending yet, but the plot can be developed further in any scenario.
Although I didn't like this doom, I hope it will be commercially profitable and they will release a new quake and doom and everything else.