I can't get achievements from DLC (Fallout 4)
Faced a problem, while going through the automatron add-on, did not receive any achievements. I thought a bug, started a new game, passed and again not a single achievement. I also tried to get achievements from the wasteland workshop add-on, exactly the same story. Maybe someone came across?DenisLeshchenko
If you have mods, then you will not receive achievements. Arbor introduced this "feature" with the latest update. So it goes.
if this is so, then this is generally a mess! If it's not difficult, throw proof.
Kirill Kolosov
blocked in FN, here, in F4, no. This, at least, was until the last patch.
if so, then this is generally a mess! If it's not difficult, throw proof.
thanks, here are the goats - they themselves did not finish the game, but honest gamers are beaten on the hands. The point is then to buy the Steam version?
without, did not even bother in the fourth at the expense of mods, although the whole New Vegas went with a bunch of mods and achievements did not block, in vain the gazebo muddies this crap
The problem is in the mods. With the latest patch, you can see in the downloads that the saves have the letter M, which means a save with mods. That is why achievements are not given (the innovation of the gazebo, so that they are), if you want achievements - play a clean game.
I learned about this from a Western reviewer of mods for Fall and Sky.