Crown of the White Path (Dark Souls 3) % D0% B3% D0% BE_% D0% BF% D1% 83% D1% 82% D0% B8used it, says on the wiki that it is restored after 24 hours, this time you have to be online in the starting location or what?
Elisiie xs
, on the English wiki it says that he appears after 10-14 hours of playing time in the cemetery where the game started.
Greetings, I have a question for you ... HOW DID YOU UNLOCK IT? ... I have it lit in gray and does not allow to use
HA! Young coward)). And you don't need to pull out the Internet when little red phantoms invade you!)
0000Ptasha wrote:
HA! Young coward)). And nefig the Internet to pull out when the little red phantoms invade you!)
Why is this such a run over? I don’t know about the TSa, but I had to use this crown, tk. the game thought that I was going offline during the invasion, and I just used ALT + F4 to exit the game (otherwise this process is "esc => settings => rightmost button => exit game"). Now here's what to do, because the crown was not given to me, in the initial lock it is not, but from the game I still sometimes, forgetting, leave through alt + f4.