Judge Gundir (Dark Souls 3)
Guys, help me, I started playing beggars, there is no fucking level 1, but here such a shnyaga wakes up, I can’t beat him, to a maximum of half. What to do? I don’t want to play as a pumped-in characterOBSERVER76
Taking a beggar at the start you seem to say "I'm a daddy, show me that you can play." Here is the game and shows you that you are a noob and you need to take a knight or pyromancer;)
stay closer to him, to move away like this for long distances, I spent 30 trays yesterday, and today he fell from the 1st, skipped his back, and don't be greedy.
And that he really changed from the first part?
Do you have a shield, a glove and an ax at the start? If yes - then easy, ax - a lot of damage, shield - additional help in survival, gauntlet - damage at medium range.
He killed the beggars. He was always tumbling around. The peaks did not go further than the distance. With 5-6 times overcame.
Well, how would you choose: either cry, prick and continue eating the cactus, or curb your ardor and choose another character, as advised above.
Yes, it is quite standard to kill: rolls during his attacks, then attack in response (you know about frames of invulnerability on rolls?).
I do not know, no luck, I killed the first time. While he is a knight with him hemorno, but after the jump, he opens up for two hits, so he picked it up to half, he took everything from me with estus. I met the lizard with full hp but without estus, circled for a long time not knowing what to do, but then I realized that his head was not hitting his feet and after each of his attacks he began to jump under his feet and give three blows. After he died, by the end 10% of estus remained at the end :) beat the Warrior.
PS I killed the crystal lizard in the beginning the second time. The game is cool.
killed the second time by a mercenary, the first time he * was sick when he turned into * something resembling a venom * and because of this he died
On the contrary, you can keep your distance while he is with the spear. He jumps, we roll, and then we chop 3-4 hits, roll back and again break the distance.
Made it a pyromancer from 4 times. But then
Spoilermudak with a katana settled me at once.
Elisiie wrote:
do you recommend a pyromancer to a beginner? lol?
Yes, they'd better not start) The first boss is easy for them to kill, but then there will be problems. I passed the "Wall of Lothric" for 7 hours)
Alexander Garifyanov
In general, the range heroes have never been interesting to play, a contact fight is another matter
Yes, I started as a pyromancer and somehow not very much) Tolley to retrain as a dodger ...