God rays (Fallout 4)
how to disable these godrays in ini edited the bNvGodraysEnable line instead of 1 put 0, it does not helpZhenya1981 You
enter these options into the console
GR on / off: enables / disables this setting
GR quality 0/1/2/3: switches between low, medium, high and ultra settings in the game in real time. Low settings use a quarter of the downsampling resolution, while ultra settings use half the downsampling resolution
GR scale [number]: allows you to adjust the density of light sources, increase the amount of sunlight and light volume. Recommended exclusively for taking screenshots.
GR fog 0/1: enables / disables fog
GR fogcolor rgb: allows you to adjust the absorbed fog color used for diffusion. Can be set to any RGB value
GR info: displays current settings