And what has changed over these 10 years?
Tell us what has changed in your life over the past 10 years. It's basically the same for me. I finished my studies, found an average job, stopped living with my parents. I also continue to whine on the forum, which has only become more empty. I miss those times when there were crazy conversations, where you could give up everything and discuss some topic that was not at all related to you. Come up with an image, whose principles can be defended and others will be guided by it. Or troll someone) And now only tirades full of boundless fatalism. What do you have?10 years ago, two young Christmas trees were planted near the house, now they are 5 meters high. The gooseberry was taller than me, if anyone else would eat it, it would be generally good. Walnut with hawthorn, apparently, turned out to be men, therefore they were retrained into ornamental plants.
He buried a bunch of cats, brainless blind-spheres with St. Petersburg numbers were not used to looking at the road. All the surrounding drunks died out, stable, every holiday, as scheduled, takeout. Ended up.
The end of the repair has been marked. Your house is a stupid life-long renovation, but, it seems, it all acquired a residential look.
I slightly expanded my sphere of interests, I plan to settle bumblebees on my site in the spring so that they do not fly far. Since they burst into the house every year in search of a home, maybe it's time to provide them with this house?) The state program "accessible LJJ-ilyo" :)))
As for the changes in me specifically, well, gray hair has been added pretty much :) And faith in humanity has diminished ... Time after time to observe how all sorts of idiots, without any financial gain, create game to the detriment of themselves and others, well ... this is such a kind of entertainment. But, in general, the changes are not so great, except that now I more often erase the written wall of text and pass by.
Everything is stable for me, as I was nobody, and remains nobody, even after 20 years nothing will change ...
Hello everyone. He grew up, matured, changed some priorities in life, found a chan who was there all the time, found a job, I think how to save money for future life.
I remember how the chatterbox was wiped with pictures with indecent content.
much changed,
acquired a new specialty, and also turned from a complete supporter of the so-called "Russian world" into an ardent Russophobe
DImONeLLa wrote:
Grew up, matured, ............, found chan ...
heh, heh ... any fool from chan will grow up, yeah ...
For 10-11 years passed like a whole era of my worldview. What was there not only) Both socially, politically, and religiously and in the world of iron pitch.
10 years ago I fought for nanoposans at PG. Since then, I have acquired more than one pine for hard-earned money and lost all my comrades-in-arms.
For 13 years still a student. This year I decided to go for PhD. During this time, I finished one specialty, then finished another, worked for half a year, did not like it and returned to continue my studies in the first one. That's all I do :)
Hey! For 10 years I have not quit smoking and drinking coffee! Found a job I love! All health. ))
A lot has changed in 10 years. The Witcher 3, The Last of Us, Horizon and other good games came out. Crimea and Donbass flew away. A PLAYER ON PG REMAINED BRAKED! )))
Many imageboards have died. Both large and small - now there are no normal boards in fact. And it's really sad. Well, what about me? And I got fat and began to go bald slowly. Still, I haven’t been a boy for a long time already - I’ll exchange my third decade soon.
True_Rivethead wrote:
there are no normal boards at the moment.
I'll tell you a secret - there have never been such.
10 years ago was 2012.. the end of the world and all that. Oh yes, there was no end of the world -) That's bad luck. I heard some people were waiting a lot, naive people. Even now, I don’t see a hint of the end of the world in any of its forms, whether it be viruses (it’s fun on the planet since 2020) or nuclear war, which sometimes scares someone .. someone.
But in 10 years from now, what will happen ... Yes, the same as here: in 2032 we will be able to look at 2022 as something ancient and completely different than what we received in 2032. I guarantee -)
But what I cannot guarantee is the safety of the usual sites in the form that we see now, including the pegach. Will he stay? In 2012, I would not have thought about whether there would be a pegach in 2022, but now there is doubt about the future of this site in 10 years. But this is hardly within 50% (doubts), so I don’t have any categoricalness here.
Dictator [nanoposan-in-past] wrote:
Since then, I have acquired more than one pine for hard-earned money and lost all my comrades-in-arms.
So how is it? Was it worth it to lose friends for the sake of the pines? 8)
Drake was finally filmed. It remains to film Duke. It'll be fun to see... how it turns out. Well, you understand .. all these movements with colored people and dozens of genders, feminism and so on ...