Random Events (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Does anyone have a map of all random events (they are also marked like this "!") In The Witcher? The topic is closed, thanks to Roman Medved and Bupycopyhere is http://www.gamer.ru/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/vedmak-3-prohozhdenie-velen-dopolnitelnye-missii-ne-svyazannye-s-osnovnym-syuzhetom-2
Dania Nyash-All-Universe
serg pc
Spoilerhttp: //www.gamer.ru/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/vedmak-3-prohozhdenie-velen-dopolnitelnye-missii-ne-svyazannye-s-osnovnym-syuzhetom -2
http: // www .gamer.ru / the-witcher-3-wild-hunt / vedmak-3-prohozhdenie-skellige-dopolnitelnye-missii-ne-svyazannye-s-osnovnym-syuzhetom-chast-1-ard-skellig
In theory, these events are somehow tied to contracts. You fulfill contracts - yellow exclamation marks appear in thin letters on the map in certain places. But there are also random events when you examine the map - for example, that deserter - tied up and thrown to the drowned people, from which the rope falls to us.
Why know them? if you find out about them, it will not be interesting. And so there is an incentive to research and contracts.