Need Help (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)
I downloaded from this link the cheat mod installed successfully. How can I turn off infinite air to swing the swimming skill? I tried it through a nex editor but alas, I can't find the code I needDeath_Cold I need help through the endless air, I can't find the necessary code to turn it off in its editor
And so the game is not destiny to pass without cheat mods and cheat codes. The plot is lost and everything becomes boring and boring and then you just run around Los Angeles in search of victims or just passers-by to kill and while having fun and calling the cops. will get bored after 30 minutes, or let's say in 2-3 hours. Then you think what to watch on You Tube or just delete it and see what games came out. Or, although no, you download 100% passing in your thoughts, you had an idea, yes, I'm right or not ??
Greman cheats save time. I don't get bored playing with cheats, I get pleasure during the gameplay
BenziLLLa so if infinite air is turned on, you can increase your swimming skill without turning it off, swimming in the game for 40 minutes. I understood you correctly
BenziLLLa is
clear. how to cut out endless air if the editor does not find the necessary code to disable the hex?
well, I don’t know about you, but my plot is lost and the gameplay. With mods like that you can play it will be interesting like how to install weapons, NPCs, cars and so on.
what is the gameplay with cheats? in the gameplay there is a share of at least some kind of tension, you think where you need to go more accurately, where it is possible and for a break. Cheat kills the gameplay and you are immortal with a machine gun from your hip and you just kill everything without any sense.