Missing servers (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)
In the online game, the servers for the game are gone. There are only 3 servers left - rooms. What to do?Diana Makarenko
call of duty 4 modern warfare server monitoring.
Drive into the search, the servers are dark.
Diana Makarenko
Shows me a list of servers. So something with an Internet or a game.
Diana Makarenko
Can a filter? These are most likely the favorites shown, since everything is fine with me, about 3 thousand shows
Diana Makarenko
To enter the game, do the same in the main menu of the game, look for the line "Enter the game", enter, on the connection page, in the line "Source:" select "Selected servers", in the line "Mode" select "All", in the line " New favorites "enter the address xxx.xx.x: xxxxx click OK all the list is added, and click to connect to the server, you can also enter the address in the main menu via the console, the" ~ "key under" Esc "make sure that you are involved in the console in the game settings, you need to enter the following connect xxx.xx.x: xxxxx press "Enter"