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MaxiBon313 11.11.21 07:06 pm

How does the GTX 660 go? (Batman: Arkham Knight)

Good day!
Tell me if it is worth taking a license with the following PC characteristics: Intel Core i5 4670k, GTX 660 2 gb, 8 gb RAM
Describe how it goes on your system with approximately the same characteristics.
PS Thanks for the answers.
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Gunlinger 11.11.21

20-30 fps , but only if you are a masochist

Drktmplr 11.11.21

Phenom II X4 970, SABERTOOTH 990FX, 32GB, ASUS GTX660 2GB FHD everything goes well on medium (you can play a little higher with the settings, but you yourself understand the 660 is already old, although I play all the latest games comfortably on medium)

CR0MWeLL 11.11.21

great how is it? how many fps?

danulaca 11.11.21

Have you ever seen the system requirements? Will go at low-medium at 30-60fps

deIIis 11.11.21

I do not advise you to take a license right away, download the repack, and look at the performance there.

_sem_ 11.11.21

I played on the laptop, a laptop of 5 years ago at low 45 fps was

Milkyway67 11.11.21

it will go like a cute one, I have an even older version of the map with 30 digits on the map without the letter "x", it works 15-10 frames, so you will fly and even more so on gtx

deIIis 11.11.21

Now the license, it seems, has been optimized, before the game was freezing with power on. NVIDIA Works settings, especially on the Batmobile.

MaxiBon313 11.11.21

I knew this because I decided to create a topic in order to find out how it is going now)

deIIis 11.11.21

I had time to play in the days when Bats' PC sales were closed. Off Works settings.
A worthy end to the series.

Demonyx 11.11.21

deIIis wrote:
I do not advise you to take a license right away, download the repack and look at the performance there.
And it's okay that the pirate is only the very first version, which is exactly the same buggy one for the most nihach? The latest optimized version is loaded with the new Denuvo version and hasn't been cracked so far.

On average, there should be norms.

deIIis 11.11.21

I played the very first version of the game, the license basically had problems with every new patch.
Then the sales of the game on the PC stopped, tk. began to refine the "vaunted by all" protection, a panacea against pirates - for which, in terms of performance, game consumers themselves are now paying, they will have to upgrade their systems.
The memory was squandered by the protection of the game itself, and in the new versions the protection did not advance a single step.

LEFT FOR DTF 11.11.21

go to steam, read the latest reviews, see the latest tests of your map on youtube in this game.

Alexander Shimanski 11.11.21

Face, gtx 660, textures minimum, shadows and range at high full hd 35 when driving and 40 45 fps on foot.

Igor 2013 11.11.21

Yes, they say correctly, on medium settings without nvidia gadgets, you will play freely if the system is not cluttered with a lot of programs, etc., etc. I used my i5 2500k gtx660 and 8 gb operatives with similar settings to cut them without problems.

MaxiBon313 11.11.21

BOUGHT-Played 8h, awesome game! Drawdown is minimum, I think I will soon pick up the add-ons, I only regret that I did not buy when there was an opportunity to get a free seasons pass