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lissalia 11.11.21 09:36 pm

Utopias and dystopias

The topic is quite interesting and relevant now, in my opinion, and the cinema, of course, has not bypassed it. Unfortunately, there are few decent films in this category, I can only name the following: "Fahrenheit 451", "Brazil", "1984", "Inappropriate Man". "The Hunger Games and" Devergents "do not count for me personally, because the topic of" snot "is disclosed there much more than any others, and the worlds are written very superficially, not to mention the characters of the heroes, of course this is exclusively mine opinion.
Does anyone watch / like these films? Maybe there are any other films in this category?
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DaBeast 11.11.21

The topic is essential, so you just need to pin it. Because - what a serious topic on PG - without pinning.

Spez24 11.11.21

Equilibrium and V means vendetta are good, in my opinion))

Volt123 11.11.21

Metropolis, Valley ... there are many, many.

northern alcoholic 11.11.21

All sorts of utopias-dystopias must be looked for in the 1980s and 1990s, then they were filmed enough.

A.Soldier of Light 11.11.21

Does anyone watch / like movies like this?
Well, me, for example) And what kind of film it is - slag or not - I don't really care. The genre is interesting, I have collected a collection.

These are cartoons, not movies. Maybe in the West, full-length cartoons were equated with films, but for me this is nonsense. A cartoon is a cartoon, a movie is a movie. And Valli is not a dystopia, but a post-apocalypse (like Mad Max).

Volt123 11.11.21

A.Soldier of Light
Are we not considering a mixture of genres? Valley is a dystopia. Yes, there are both nf and postap. And dystopia yet. How can you ignore this?
The life of people on a ship is a real dystopia.

I've already heard about your attitude towards animation.
And, of course, I still think it wrong.
Of course, this is just my opinion, so forget it.

And why, knowing my attitude to animation, once again poke me, they say, "this is not a movie." I don't care, and I think it's kin)

Volt123 11.11.21

Lego. The film is also a dystopia.

A.Soldier of Light 11.11.21

Life of people on a ship is a real dystopia.
On the ship - yes, I suppose. Although there people could still control everything, the computer did not really try very hard to stop the captain, which is rather strange for a dystopia) In my opinion, this is something else: population degradation. Dystopia is when there is a repressive apparatus of power and slaves, but there was nothing like that, the people just slowly degraded. Or will you try to explain ... the motives ... of the computer not to tell people about the plant from Earth? Well go ahead, I'm listening)

As for the animation, I can add the following. I may be wrong, but just an assumption: the modern generation, that is, schoolchildren or students, who grew up without Soviet cinema and cartoons of the 20th century, consider full-length cartoons to be a Kinets. Those young people who already grew up on modern cartoons read modern websites, news and articles, and there everything is like a carbon copy from the West, including terminology. For all people who have tasted the fruits of the Soviet period (films and cartoons), there is probably a clear division between "film" (as you young people call "live-action") and "cartoon" ("animated film"). It's just that the difference is quite objective: in the film there are real people, in the cartoon - drawn or rendered in 3D. A reason to put "animated films" separately from "live-action" films. Occasion. But the West does not see this reason point-blank. Well, the young ones assent to them))

Default2 11.11.21

Oblivion is

Volt123 11.11.21

A.Soldier of Light
About Valley - the motives of the computer are transparent. He did not want to be subordinated to people again. And in the film it is very well hinted that the machine deliberately inclined people to degradation, through deception and manipulation. The captain's eyes opened only later. And the machines were profitable for such a place of people, when they are like vegetables and can not do anything. There is a dystopia here.

About animation: you are wrong. They took it and just "diagnosed" young people on the basis of the opinion of the West. Live action - I never used this phrase, and I ALWAYS considered animated films or cartoons to be films, because the word FILM was NOT JUST added to them. English words and terminology (as well as the opinion of the West) have nothing to do with my personal opinion on this matter. Believe it or not. Well, I absolutely do not understand why a movie is necessarily a live shot of people, and it is a live shot of reality?

Well, yes, if you sincerely believe that they must be separated and not otherwise, then where did you get the idea that your opinion is correct ?!
From a logical point of view?
Remember, the word cartoon was also used in Soviet cartoons? Cartoon.

And yes, I grew up on Soviet animation. And I saw a lot of it.
So do not stigmatize, considering the opinion you have formed as the truth.

drag_in 11.11.21

By the way, I also don't like a cartoon movie or just a movie. I liked it, the ideas were conveyed well, and this is the main thing.
There is the last Everest, the mountains are drawn on the computer, no frame is taken alive. what to create now separate styles?

Pie without opinion 11.11.21

Want a good dystopia? Read books. It is impossible to fit the entire depth of the world into a two-hour film. 1984 as an example.

A.Soldier of Light 11.11.21

That's it: the word "cinema". In principle, I cannot imagine that I would call a cartoon about Shrek a kinets 8) A
cartoon is a cartoon, a cartoon "film" is just a term. Animation. Animation. Take away the "cartoon", only the "film" will remain, but the meaning changes (cinema with live actors). Everything is clear to me here.
Well, they have their own separate terms: movie (film with live actors) and cartoon (cartoon). Without going into the etymology of these terms, for me everything is extremely clear: drawn / 3D-rendered characters is one thing, and live actors is another. Clear separation.

From a logical point of view?
And common sense. Yes, what did you think? ) Everything is very clear to me in this matter, I do not intend to change my opinion. I saw the arguments, I saw everything.
It's funny to see a cartoon in some lists of the best films of this year 8) I never understood this and I deny this approach. My opinion: a list of films and, separately from it, a list of the best cartoons. TV shows are a different category.

grigo33 11.11.21

look philosophers a survival lesson or metropia. and Orleans is generally cool, well, he's Russian