Let's say you create a game, what would you create?
by Lyubitel igrat v igry on 06.09.19 07:59 pm
10 fps on Geforce GT430, impossible to play, what to do? (Doom (2016))
by Fan_Tiesto on 24.07.20 10:16 pm
addition Ashes of Ariandel (Dark Souls 3)
by vzroslyy on 22.07.20 03:00 am
Russification Revision (Deus Ex)
by tmasiff on 09.06.20 02:03 pm
Your impressions of the movie \"assassin's Creed\"
by typical russian on 15.05.20 12:21 pm
In General, a few words about the ending (L.A. Noire)
by Sgalzhivanie on 19.12.19 06:13 am
Ending the game (Dead Space 3)
by Arthas The Lich King on 12.10.19 02:30 pm
What are you reading at the moment? v.2
by Lunh on 07.10.19 02:51 am
What is your nickname?
by GTAman on 17.09.19 06:07 pm
Poll: first game you played v.2
by Z4b3o8v7p on 13.09.19 01:35 am