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Dwelkam 11.11.21 09:40 pm

Technical problems with the game (Dark Void)

Here we throw questions on the technical side of the game.

And the first one - I have no sound in the game at all. It wasn't in the demo either, but then I wrote off to the demo itself. Who is the thread faced with such a trawl?
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Oblivion1981 11.11.21

01.21.10 11:42 am Now new garbage ... after clicking New Game, nothing happens, it remains in the main menu! Did anyone have this ???

PM [new user]
01/28/10 3:32 PM Narod help !!!! The game starts, I press a new game, select the difficulty and throw it back into the menu, but the game does not start !!! What to do???

I have the same exact problem

ReversaL 11.11.21

Well, as usual, the programs are removed, through the wizard in the control panel
Oblivion1981Try to replace physXcore.dll. Source file in: program files / ageia technologies / v.2.8.2. And copy it to the game folder: in native PC / binaries. Make a backup for everyone.

Dmitry Zubkov 11.11.21

people help me, I can't do anything I start to play right away or everything is ruffled or the black screen of the air is warm, just pi ... I'm tired of changing firewood I'm tired of going to the magizin in the fucking Eldorado to put on a guarantee and this seller is half pi ... r in the floor sneakers says that just a crappy drover would not even accept a guarantee, they say, buy unas, right in the face of this pedra I wanted to move out to him about why the cooling might have flown and pedro to me about firewood like new shook here is my viduha GeForce 8800 up to 1919 mb, at least so nkpisano maybe I'm pumping the wrong wood

zomber51 11.11.21

hello game en rus repack downloaded put crack does not find APEX_release.dll system vin7 x64

ReversaL 11.11.21

I have the same garbage, xs cho to do. I looked for some info, it's some kind of physics library, I found this file in the crack from the batman to the arches of the asylum, put it in and crashes. In general, we need a crack, we just have to wait)

VGA32 11.11.21

Can anyone reset the file itself - APEX_release.dll

ReversaL 11.11.21

It is in Batman's crack, but it won't help anyway

zomber51 11.11.21

hi and where to get DARK VOID.msi can give a ride

slon23-63 11.11.21

I have a video card radeon 4850. During the game, a lilac strip appears on the floor of the screen! Well, the picture in the game is castrated! P ... ts igrodely on the move with crooked hands! The last firewood in the video is 10.1

slon23-63 11.11.21

Pi ... c control! I played for a minute and deleted it to hell! Nerves are more expensive!

slon23-63 11.11.21

On-the-go, the game is unpacked into 2.5 gigabytes! The installer weighs 5.3 gigabytes! Why the hell did these fucking debloppers put another 3 gig into the game installer?

Rozh 11.11.21

Mlyn, I set a crack for the Russian litsuhi, and after the GG picks up the weapon the game flies. Who knows what can we do ??????

sergio_13 11.11.21

My Athlon has 4 cores 3 Ghz, GTX 260, 4 Gb RAM - the infection did not start until I followed the advice of
01/22/10 21:05 and put it, it worked for me.

When is it installed - go ...

snec 11.11.21

the people who coped with the crash of the game with an error after the first mission begins

Lexx77 11.11.21

Some kind of dog, finally the brakes are periodic 1-2fps, PhysX2.8.1 turned off, the sound was removed. While you yourself run everything at the maximum and without brakes, like a current battle, there is just no back, otherwise I would have gone, I immediately climb into the settings - I put everything at a minimum and zero sense, as it slowed down and slows down. Vidyaha GF 9800 GT 1Gb.CPU 3Ghz * 2. RAM 4G.

Carpenter73 11.11.21

who throws disable PhysX, I personally figured it out and tell me how to put titles, everything is fine with the menu, but I would like to learn more about the essence

snec 11.11.21

Carpenter73 ATP helped

QiX 11.11.21

When you start the game, such crap, what to do?

[URL = http: //radikal.ru/F/s002.radikal.ru/i200/1002/1f/7051247183ac.jpg.html] [IMG] http://s002.radikal.ru/i200/1002/1f/ 7051247183act.jpg [/ IMG] [/ URL]

AHTOLLIKA 11.11.21

Where is the option to disable PhysX in the game? I can't find something. Thanks in advance.....

WНOAMI 11.11.21

tell me what to do to make the joy work in this game, otherwise mine does not work, I have a Chinese joy, and many irg do not support it, but I downloaded the joey emulsion from boxing, there was an instruction for a lot of games (where and what files to throw) and on this game is not, I tried different options, but nothing worked, maybe someone knows what files to throw, or some other way, tell me