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an_v_k 20.11.21 12:26 am

Auto Aim (Far Cry 4)

Auto sight does not work, has anyone encountered a similar problem?
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vermax7 20.11.21

does not work, I have already resigned myself, I pass on the keyboard

Slonvprotivogaze 20.11.21

Every time I rejoice at the opportunity to turn off this annoying contraption in the middle of the screen, but here people without an "auto" cannot play ...

vermax7 20.11.21

you probably confused auto guidance with a cross

Interloper888 20.11.21

but I'll wait, maybe it will appear

minamoto2 20.11.21

Play a shooter on a gamepad and up to a heap with an auto-aim ..... I don't even want to voice who you have to be for this. Explain to me, lovers of gamepads and consoles, what genital organ you generally play in shooters, isn't it easier to watch some action movie, because the meaning is about the same?

Interloper888 20.11.21

no one forces you to play on a gamepad ... why such a negative?

vermax7 20.11.21

without playing you will not understand, just as you will not understand that the game, like many new shooters, is sharpened for console control. This is evidenced by the location of the buttons, menus, transport controls ...

minamoto2 20.11.21

The fact that games are sharpened for a gamepad, I perfectly understand. I also understand perfectly well that this kills hardcore games, leaving only games for downs and people who do not burden themselves with thoughts. It's all very, very sad ...

vermax7 20.11.21

but it's great to come home from work or school and play for your own pleasure, relax. The gamepad isn't much easier to play with, just more comfortable. To each his own. Purely my opinion. It's more comfortable for me to play lounging in a chair with a gamepad in my hands

minamoto2 20.11.21

Who would argue that it is more comfortable. The less thoughts, the less stress - the more comfort. For fools and children in general - life is full of buzz. Only from the outside it looks different. Although for a fool it's purple, isn't it?

minamoto2 20.11.21

Where does this negative come from?
At first I wrote a long text, but at the end I realized that the overwhelming majority simply would not understand it, or would understand it as an insult, so I erased everything. But the thought is something like this: The fewer thoughts, the more happiness. So I wish the owners of the consoles happiness.

asmityur 20.11.21

playing minamoto2 on a gamepad is much more convenient, you can sit in an armchair in front of a large TV and completely immerse yourself in the game. Mouse and keyboard - constantly staring at the monitor, huddled up in the letter "siu"
And what has it to do with watching action movies ???

minamoto2 20.11.21

Chegoy then I did not understand about the letter Zyu. I have a 27 "2k monitor, the corresponding hardware and a presidential chair. So I play in complete comfort. And watching action movies here, with the same, and an auto-aim. Why play if you can just watch? slightly interactive cinema, which in my opinion debilitates the user, but maybe I'm wrong about that, although my personal observations say that I'm right.

vermax7 20.11.21

computer games are created for fun, play and forget. If you want difficulties, get up from your chair, go earn money. Everyone has their own priorities

malyonya 20.11.21

After the patch, the usegamepad line from gameprofile disappeared ... how to add it, or rather where?
Who decided?

undercover88 20.11.21

Hello everyone. Still not solving the problem with the auto sight?

Interloper888 20.11.21

also interested in how there is with the auto-sight?

Insanky 20.11.21

They say the auto-sight works in this repack, I have not checked it yet.
Far Cry 4 Gold Edition (2014) (Ubisoft Entertainmen t) (RUS) [RePack] by vidic

Givemethedust 20.11.21

computer games are created for entertainment

For some, entertainment "Press X to WIN", but someone likes to play "beautifully". You can't argue with that.

Alexander Riger 20.11.21

Check and tell. Or at least tell me where to get it. I only found this - http://imhommorpg.ru/far-cry-4-does-are-automatically- on- gamepad- does not work / #comment-12. It looks like a solution, but only the virus is downloaded. Or maybe I don't understand what