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wakapodorojala 21.11.21 11:47 pm

Sorry bro. (Diablo 2)

EeOneGuy (aka Jacob_Charodei), I'm sorry I threw you. I understand everything, but I could not help but do it. You yourself know that the situation was just great. Half of your clothes are specks, I gave it to the noobs on normal, the rest I will leave for myself, I will make nekra for fun, and also ICQ. There was no smell of ten jahami, and you yourself know that.

Agree that my improvisation was just great: a lot of information, ingenuity, persuasiveness and the ability to quickly gain confidence in my combination were wonderful. It was a beautiful divorce. Not a Chukhan scam with stealing things from akkas as Torum did, as Negative and other humiliated people did, but divorce. My name is not Sanya, I had no trace of my sister, I’m not a friend of Duson and I don’t have an account with him with a forty with information, and I didn’t call him on my mobile phone at 5 in the morning, and he won’t be banned (although I’m not against shredding this hard-boiled huckster). I really have the infig, it's mine, but I didn't put it into the game - there were big risks, I came up with an excuse about duson.

I know that after that you went to the hbr and handed out accounts, said goodbye to the guys. I have many eyes and ears everywhere, such a person I am. In real life, I don't do that, I answer, I have friends, we are friends and trust since childhood. By my act (including this), I am doing a good deed - I try to make the players understand that they need to be more attentive and think with their heads, that they need to learn from other people's mistakes. As a result, most of them learn from their ...

I think I did well. I gave you a reason to remove q2 and get out of this vicious circle, from this "sect". My New Year's gift to you is an opportunity to completely go into real life. Suddenly it will turn out that you will not sit in Diable in the evening today in the New Year, but will go for a walk. You slip on the ice, fall, and a girl will run up to your aid, help you, you will get to know each other and you will be happy.

I know something else. I didn’t get you for all the gear, I didn’t get to the PUP itself. You didn't get mules, only Persians. I would have gotten to the mules, but it would have taken time. In general, I have no time. But you have a small reserve.

Nevertheless, I will continue what I started. I will continue to carry TERROR, PAIN and SUFFERING into the chat as we did with you today :))) It was cool bro))) Plus, I found out for myself who among the other players is ready for anything - to kick fellow players and insult, just to suck up to the admins or moderators, it became clear today who is who. Lying two-faced rats and traitors. And I was also able to express and tell Korbink everything that I think about him and everything I wish for him for his unfounded bans. I promise you to catch this noob in games and twirl on hammers until he starts to sit in password-protected games.

Korbinok, as well as those who sucked him up today - * Jen-ok (Donna_Karan), ZAICHENOK, xamchik - we left you alone only for the reason that the above was happening at that moment, otherwise we would have torn all of you together, and we have notably humiliated you for the whole pg. I’ll soon gather a gang and we’ll make sure that you get off the mod yourself.

PS In general, I have big plans for this season. Hiha cool guy, recently realized this. Hiha, I found out that you own two enigmas, but I'm not going to pretend to be unconventional, to frame you, to rub into trust, so that I can get a good meal later. They do a lot of stuff in Diable, but with a broken heart ... well, you understand, I don't want to do that to you. But you are not so cool to be friends with you, you have mad drifts. Let's go.

PSS Bro, Ivangai, I wish you a Happy New Year, I wish you health, money, love and non-stop potency. The world is full of violence bro, get ready.
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teddykillerz188 21.11.21


T-fox 21.11.21


teddykillerz188 21.11.21

I thought you weren't with us!

Obsessed 21.11.21

CorvinOk, my butthirt is always so poorly visible ..; D however, with the Coming One, I'm afk, I'm tearing the cocks home! if I leave the track, please consider me a communist! ; D

Black.Card 21.11.21

Another youngster who lacks attention in real life and who decided to show off with something incomprehensible.

teddykillerz188 21.11.21

drunk cholet fly?

T-fox 21.11.21

Looked at the light, after all, there is NG on the nose.

CorvinOk 21.11.21


Well, there are about 100 such Skreenov, and then SELECTIONALLY Skreenil

pirya 21.11.21

In order not to offend this unfortunate "kedalu" - I will not say anything. It turns out very offensive when a gullible person believes another, rubbed into trust, sincerely hopes for understanding, and he just makes dirt, what a parasite.
Does it become easier for you to play, from the fact that you threw the boy on the shaki? You could play together, use the same gear, play the common fund, progress would be greater, and so you will play alone with your shaka. So, your big plans are not destined to be embodied in reality based on your act. If your aki writes to me, my people will be everywhere, you will wander around closed games.
The world is full of violence bro, get ready.

teddykillerz188 21.11.21

Happy New Year! More yakhs, girls and beer, Schaub was a kazyr pasan!

CorvinOk 21.11.21

So you made up with yours? everything's Alright ?
But what about Alina (* Covywka)? ; DD

wakapodorojala 21.11.21

pirya I play not alone, there are three of us (so far there are two) and we dress successfully. Our accounts won't write to you, and you don't have any people, don't be ridiculous)) No one knows us except one person on hardcore and one on softcore, they help us. We collected information about you that season, you are weak. We know your VK, we laughed at your photo in a hat and where you stand next to the devices against the background of the stands of some kind of electrical engineering college. We are scared that hiha - one of your people - will poke at us, not even being able to locate.

Himmler said that EeOneGuy did not leave Diablo - just a couple of minutes ago he pretended to be a girl and asked for free gear in the chat. In honor of the holiday, he allowed me to put some information on public display, about how we operate and how we work, but I will be careful in my statements.

MyatKO. 21.11.21

This eeoneguy violated the chat: he flooded and swore, sort of. It's good that you prompted him to leave the server.

edit: so you broke it too, ay-ay-ay, shame on you ...

kibor_g 21.11.21

Kidala unfinished!
A normal guy will never pretend to be rear-wheel drive for the sake of some profit in the game. You guys are just rear-wheel drive fufel.

T-fox 21.11.21

, in which only the backward in every sense play
The iPhone generation has replaced the Pepsi generation.

CorvinOk 21.11.21

MyatKO. This eeoneguy violated the chat: flooded and swore,
So they did it in the 2nd TC and EeOneguy -. Well, or it is very likely that TS = EeOneguy - (and everything is just a self-PR of yesterday's Atrocities)

T-fox 21.11.21

teddykillerz188 Thank
you, happy birthday to you too. I wish you a healthy lifestyle =)

teddykillerz188 21.11.21

Everything finally fire))) sovushka so korefanka in di)))

teddykillerz188 21.11.21

And kaneshno glad sho made up glad as a noob knocked out JAH!

Zhmyshok 21.11.21

plus for snot, minus for naivety.