Music from trailers and teasers
Many movie trailers (like The Island, Spider-Man, The Chronicles of Narnia, King Kong, The Chronicles of Riddick) feature awesome compositions from X-Ray Dogs and Immediate Music. Where can I download them?I would be extremely grateful if you could help ...
And what is it called in English? I have Starship Troopers, if that's what you mean.
give me!!!! (only if this is not a thriller gta lss, there is pure music without voices, acceptable quality)
went by mail in a zippe
I've seen a Marines trailer featuring a Bobby McPherin song Dont Thief Bi Happy.
Tex. Help find the song from the second half of the UltraViolet trailer.
Song: Jem - 24
But I need to find the main theme music in the menu (one and the same) from a twisted headon, can I find it or will I have to rewrite it like that?
Have you tried it? Well, okay, then in the old fashioned way through rapid - wait.
Yes, I can. As for the head-she is unlikely (I did not find it in the donkey), but I can figure out the topic from GTA.
I already have lssovskaya, and postalovskaya, and from two-dimensional GTA, and from the rest of the twisted (except for the third, the disc disappeared somewhere and now I can't rewrite it)
Looking for the music from the "Ultraviolet" trailer
I recognized one song.
This is Rob Dugan, and I don't know the name.
But, te for a song to sound after it?
Who sings it?
And then somehow the playlist is number 24, it's ugly.