My favorite name (Fallout 4)
Hi, just decided to ask how are you going to name your character in the game?) For example, I - Rick Grimes: Dattacking_beaver
True, but this is only about Wadsworth (the butler), the rest of the Persians will not seem to be. I personally will leave the standard appearance (I liked the dude, for once), and I’ll think of a four-thread with the name, because I don’t like it anyway. I will call it as a standard thread in Pindoski)
O "% how many fuckers the country has raised, the consequences are your dad-mom-iphone-CREDIT, it's a shame for YOU people
To begin with, I will name my female Persian Jenny (if it is on the list of voiced names), then when I start to pass again I will call Eli (and not specifically "Eli")
Evgeny Kormshchikov, most likely. But there is a variant of Konrad Mackintosh, as he called his Persian in HB.
If they give me a choice, I’ll pick something from the list, and so ... I don’t care at all, I’ll call it my name. Fantasy is bad. Although in recent games biovare played for female Persians, therefore, m. I'll name it after one of the Lesbians from Adele's Zhazni (yes, I fap on Lesbians).
my last Persian in Vegas was called "qwe" - I was in a hurry to try out one mod)))