Edit The Coalesced.ini, part II (Mass Effect 2)
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Can we do this if not immortal, then at least significantly improve the health of M-44 Hammer?
In Coalesced.ini section settings Hammer - [SFXGame.SFXVehicleHover].
Z=2070-- the height and the lifting speed of z-axis Similar to axis +X,-X,+Y,-Y
OnGroundJumpMultiplier=1.0 - coeff-t determines the height podma and acceleration during climb. More value
more lift height.
MaxThrustJuice=0.6-coeff-t, determines how quickly overheat the engines climb higher the value--
less overheat
BoostForce=(X=1000,Y=0,Z=0) - defines the acceleration value and the axle acceleration (Space key)How far move
under acceleration.
ThrustRegenerationFactor=0.55 - coeff-t for the cooling time of the motors in the lift mode. In stepper mode is not
apply. Smaller the value greater the cooling period
ThrustRegenerationDelay=0.5 defines the periods of operation of the engine in lift mode-how often the engine turns off
in case of overheating. Smaller the value the smaller the period of operation in case of overheating, cools faster and raises Hover at a big
SelfRepairRate=100 - this parameter determines the number of units self-repair when damaged. The overall strength Hover.
SelfRepairDelay=5 - time period (in seconds) during which recovery occurs after damage Hover
OffGroundForce=(X=0,Y=0,Z=-400) determines the strength of attraction Hover to the axial surfaces., if all values are not
zero. If you use only the vertical axis, that determines the strength of attraction Hover to the ground. The less
value( in absolute value — than larger), the greater the force of attraction to the surface; when lifting engines
overheat before, and lifting height is less.
BurnOutPercentage=0.2 determines the percentage number of input power to the motors. The higher the value, the more
loaded the engine overheats faster but the height may be increased due to greater develop
power, depending on other engine parameters. If the engine had wear, the latter, depending on
this option would be more or less.
MaxPitchAngle=32 - maximum angle in degrees in the direction of movement from a horizontal position Hover, when
which disables the engines. The higher the value, the greater the slope will be able to overcome Hower.
In the case of using radar :
RadarRange=10000.0 f maximum distance scan
RadarFOV=45.0 f - scan angle(viewing angle) within which objects are detected.
For the following two parameters defining the traction
characteristics of hammer when changing the values has no visible result: