Watch_Dogs vs. GTA V (Watch_Dogs)
The previous part================================================
Hmm... What else is art, man? Actually, following this logic, the developers of the Mass effect should be put for life, and Casey Hudson to shoot.
I was the second person who recognizes that dialogue with you is impossible.
The difference between the setting and concept I know but you don't. However, Google to help. ;)
On this and I am finished. It is impossible to have an honest and sincere argument... (C)
if GTA will be the same lag,neither one nor the other ,but GTA to me is more like if we ignore all the schools,in the fifth I played,but even the fourth me in the story like more than WD
Really unnecessary comparison, because if you start details on all aspects to compare both these games the margin might imagine to be on the side of someone you know!)
as for me, GTA and vach dogs, this is related to and simultaneously different games, I can't say that top vid watch dogs lutche than GTA one and GTA s top razed the others from this same who razed the top ninja turtle Leonardo or Raphael devil smisleno to compare them (eto my personal opinion).
So far only Watch Dogs better graphics,but coming soon GTA V on the pitch,so maybe that game from Ubisoft will pale look on the background of Rockstar
GTA V can be See in the Fall ON PC
When GTA V will come out on PC and tada view
Th You at the Computer WHERE WD Bugs pojavljaetsja I have no Bugs in WD
watch dogs is very far from gta V physical machines miserable, bugs tin which to fight can not, all the townspeople are afraid of you nonsense utter nonsense. it is a pity money
Yubiki said directly that made physics engines for gameplay, otherwise you are in the first columns of yelling, why is this so difficult. Plus there's an interesting race and a lot of them and solutions for avoidance of the police are more fun than in GTA. Products with a different meaning, which to compare them. This is the same as to compare SUV, SUV, and ATV. Similar but in essence different. Generally there is a good saying - don't worship me. So that each game is its own niche. The killer - a comprehensive world history that even as it tells for shkoloty, GTA - lawlessness, who likes shkolota well as the senior to stay, but not fanaticism, the dogs - new product with a new idea, and the bad, and the iron one, no need to howl that the product is bad. They even after the release of nizagara normal gland are well-behaved (and ultraluxury as something special for 4K or 8K more).
Watch Dogs was held two times, the plot was like hacking skills too, but as mentioned above, everything is very quickly bored, because after the plot is really doing absolutely nothing. Additional missions (contracts for murder, etc.) all utter horror, as they differ only by the coordinates of the action. One thing I really like is a reference to Assassin's creed 4 Olivier Garneau Pro (or something like this :). Speaking of Easter eggs, in GTA again a lot of time is spent in search of Easter eggs, references, etc.
Another will say a little about the story, I'm a sensitive man, so I felt really sorry for Aiden and I for the first time eagerly passed the plot, I was excited to see what happens with Aiden, his family, etc. About the GTA, I can't say. I was very upset when he first came to the stats and saw that it only has 69 missions for level Rockstar is very small, and indeed the story it is not the best. For me it is the best story of all GTA was in San Andreas.
No matter what anyone said, and the physics of cars in games like GTA and Watch Dogs is a very important part of the game, as more than half of the games we spend behind the wheel of a car. Watch Dogs physics machines is of course terrible, otherwise can not say. About boats in General it is better to be silent, to be honest, when I first sat in a boat in Watch Dogs, I was the first time in my life uttered the phrase I wish they had not added
I'm a little scroll through the topic and didn't notice any posts about the multiplayer games, I may be blind of course :), then forgive me :)). Play multiplayer Watch Dogs and GTA 5 since the first moment of their release. In GTA, I play because the cooperative online missions I've waited since the release of San Andreas'a, a Watch Dogs I just nraitsya hack players. I was very upset that the multiplayer of Watch Dogs very few modes, but at the same time, for 3 months I'm not bothered to play them.
Again, as mentioned above no open world game will not avoid comparisons with GTA, but let's face it, Rockstar is absolutely deserved, they always pay attention to the little things that sometimes don't even pay attention. But we have to admit that Watch Dogs is the first attempt yubisoft to do something in this genre, while Rockstar has already stuffed his hand in this matter.
If you go back to the title of the topic, that is Watch Dogs vs GTA 5 (GTA 5 especially), then of course wins the last. I tried to objectively explain why, brought the most significant pros and cons of both games. If I tell myself, then Watch Dogs is just good in terms of plot the game, I like it, but it quickly bored. I for example, after numerous hours, pravednyh in GTA Online sometimes sit at camp and go hack other players.
And yet, a very significant advantage in the direction of the GTA's modding of course, without scripts, mods, graphics and other buns the cycle of life GTA would be shorter. Take the same JULIO NIB'and, at the moment, this guy took almost all the chips that are in GTA 5 in GTA 4, even taught Nico to do a selfie.
At the end of my horribly long post, I want to say that if I hurt the feelings of fans of a particular game, don't be angry, please me and don't write angry comments, again I tried to write as objectively as possible.
Peace to all. :))
And you normal boat operated (not just with a motor, and bigger? However, there is still gemora. This is not a racing boat, which clearly fulfills a lot of things. You really drove the car? On different types, not distinct and studied thoroughly? So dawn are you about physics, it is enough to see the difference in the machines. Simplified taxation there on razbivaemsya, if you do fair physics quite - toga street, you need to do is empty toga in General, and even more will be crying Yaroslavna, why is everything so difficult. Ideally there will be nothing.
I always perceived Watch_Dogs nothing more than a means to pass the time before the release of GTA5 on PC, but that's the patience to play it enough for one week. I think GTA5 will last for long as at the time of GTA SA.
You know, I don't want to argue, but the physics must be such that would discriminate between the machines and such that would not want to get out of those machines. I for example, after five years of playing gta 4, I go there only to drive. Put some new road or any new model and all, again there is a desire to go and drive. And in Watch Dogs, at least put the formula 1, still with that physics feel good, you don't get.
I can only say every game has its pros and cons.for example, in watch dogs a great story. in both igrulya excellent modern graphics. although in watch dogs in the murder of citizens and polizeilich declining reputation can not be said about gta 5.both games put 5\5.suggest sygranut in both.
This is a new step for Ubisoft.Of course the game is difficult to name the best,but remember what started the GTA.You can't create a perfect game.100% sure that the next part will be much better.
Well, to compare it with GTA 5 is stupid,at least for now.
Games are totally different (just the mechanics of free movement around the city).
In GTA there is also the physics of the machine-level simulator, so both games are the same - +/- in parts of physics.
Let's Half-Life 2 c Wolfenstein: the New Order is comparable... just pointless, why? Plot first person shooter, what's the problem? Compare with Headlights Edge 1 is silly-there's a open world, here a linear shooter.
Guys, enough purely comparing the estimates of journalists, who from GTA V was in complete shock.
Eurogamer - WD: 7/10. GTA V: 9/10
IGN - WD: 8.4/10. GTA V: 10/10
Polygon - WD: 8/10. GTA V: 9.5/10
This is a 3 magazine set of evaluation and that one and that I found.
And in GTA V better:
- the world is beautiful and alive
- great physics of the cars
more fun
- a smart network mode
the world behaves for a living and responds to you differently,
unlike WD, which is ruled by the scripts.
- better graphics even in the past - gene, and do not wear stuff that is not so.
Here to you and the gorgeous water, and real - time shadows. And then, as she looks to next - gene
you yourself have seen, I think...
- the plot in GTA V is longer, more fun, more interesting, more diverse.
- in GTA V there is aircraft, and which is made perfect.
- in GTA V is the underwater world, and perfectly done.
- Huge variety of T/C (vehicles).
If we talk about WD, then:
- Good graphics, but cardboard, which is not superior to GTA V. (even with TheWorseMod'om)
- Interesting idea with the hacking, which is quite a good idea implemented.
But then again, GTA V is not at all about the hacker and there is not even appropriate.
- and again, the same idea though and well done, but skriptovani and cardboard.
People's reaction to the broken traffic lights the same, and they are generally stupid.
- disgusting physical machines.
- in the world have nothing to do after 3 hours of play.
- scripted NPC, which is live/realistic action always again
and in GTA V as a huge variety of animations.
God, I'm already tired to write and think about what's best...
My verdict - GTA V: 10/10 points, the best game in history.
My verdict - Watch Dogs: 7.5/10 points, mediocre, but one of the best Open - World games.