Your desktop v12
Use images no wider than 640 pixels (< img src=address width=640 >) or put the full image under the spoiler.The previous part
Image: Sid Meier's Civilization V, Cities: Skylines, World of Tanks, Portal, Black Mesa, Portal Prelude, Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zerous, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, Star Craft II, Herous of the Storm, Fallout: New Vegas, Heartstone, SunlessSea, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Polaritonic: the image in a new tab
Thank you for the list (I will look for it ;) !!!
Spoiler From what game this screenshot (interesting name) ???
Well, why not. The game is quite replayable and relevant now, as for me. Although it took place already 20 times, I guess. So, I decided to play some more. Until just set, for it is not finished a few games. By the way, this is a build from Ancestral Ghost -
It was interesting to see my native Land in the evening from there (where I would not have climbed) !!!
SKRIN 2013 - I like it !!!