Your desktop v12
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Long time I not post here your desac. This is the third time I'll post here for your desktop. The first time was in December 2007 - at the end of the first year of registration on the website. Of darkness, several thousands icons on your desktop. Then was in the habit of questioning everything that existed on the drives and in the collection programs.
The second time was in August 2012 - the first year of use of the group of Seven, which has not been able to get off XP, but in the end of year 4 this past eight. Icons became significantly less. He began to put only what is really good. In 2012, the year still had my CRT monitor 2006 model year. Of course, not wide format.
And of course, spread your fresh desktop may 22nd put instead of 7-Ki 10. It took less than a year after off. output, that would put a ten on the test. However as in almost a year, I think the damp fixed. For seven it took three years after the release of before I decided. Seven before switching to the top 10 icons on a desktop was approximately the same amount and in the top ten decided to leave only the trash. The rest of that sounds likely, spinal in the right pane of the start menu. And actually, this screenshot is already in wide format. Well, actually, Hello Pagac - sorry it took so long did not come.
Recently I finally switched to 10 of the (far more regret than happy). Working fine but because of something not given to preserve all my apps (only portable version + some things I re-installed). Now my desktop looks like this: