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Rivnyanyn 25.12.21 10:38 pm

The Hunger Games (Diablo 2)

I did not want to write this in topics about pvp, so as not to cause the anger of the ATsTSOV of this occupation. I myself have never participated in pvp here. Once I tried it in Zi-El (super-duper dressed in charms, decided to compete with friends) and again in LOD (we reached Act 5, it became boring, we decided to drive it).
Fair / nefair, as I remember all this is complete nonsense. The only proof of SKILL (the ability to play or better with sharpened pincers), as for me, can only be pvp with two identical charms with the same (or similar pumping), like in boxing. For all these disputes: to resolve max rez, that KB precisely because of this and anti-charm, etc. Each charm has its own advantages and disadvantages, and they are very different, and IMHO are in completely different weight categories. Therefore, pvp, forehead to forehead, is not interesting to me.
Therefore, in order to improve the game process, it was on the xc (and it would be nice to attract people), yesterday gave birth to the idea indicated in the topic. I don’t know, maybe somewhere in D2 there was something like that, I personally didn’t pull the idea anywhere.
And the idea itself is still crude.
This is something like a movie (maybe someone watched it))). 7 people enter the game (one place for a judge, aka modera). Everyone climbs into WP, deliberately determined by the preliminary lot, and the fun begins)))
There should be only one left alive. It is impossible to enter the city and the modder is watching this. You can climb into WP to others at your own peril and risk. Experienced packashers will gladly leave a trap there, consisting of a couple of packs of unique ones))) On the helle, you can easily go out, sales from mobs.
Here you can also introduce a bunch of rules and ideas, if my thought has become interesting to at least someone.
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yamas 25.12.21

"and therefore comparing it with software and transferring software concepts there is stupid"
as well as vice versa

bd_sm [TDPG] 25.12.21

Wtf I agree with the Doberman?

PS TS, the idea of ​​norms, finalize, finish the balance, and then we will figure out how to cut funding for it.
PPS Firk is right here in many places, the only pity is that vomit mixes the truth with manipulation.

Obsessed 25.12.21

According to my observations, most of the players on the xc are degenerates, noobs, and wonnabi-ilita, who writes in the chat and on the forum which noobs are playing on the SC.
softcore players as always
: D the

shit started fierce. about "nn rules" - it's ninada bent, of course. :-)

and if someone chooses enchant for lack of benefits of
bd_sm [TDPG], amazing logic. :-) TOGE NE IWAT PIMYWESTWA ... ©
oh, but here I agree with the firm. [edit] not really though. as usual.

bd_sm [TDPG] 25.12.21

Me too, except for some letters.

Rivnyanyn 25.12.21

finally can’t bother anyone .. :-) but it's a pity ..
As soon as you upnut the topic and urine rushed through the pipes; D Talantische !!!
bd_sm [TDPG]
Yes, I already changed my mind a lot on the topic. Alternatively, you can carry out the Hunger Games on Hell in Act 1 with a level limit of around 40-50 (you will not need to download a super-expensive enchant and the rip will not be as bitter as, for example, losing a 90+ enchantment level), so that there is no possibility fade into another act and serve there. Each goes to his own VI and gives a host to everyone, after which there seems to be a delei to use the VI. And after you want to climb to someone and want to walk, look for adventure on the ass. At 8 pp of sales in A1, especially cans from mobs are not muffled, and it will be difficult for many builds to kill at least someone, and even more so a party of minions that have fallen on the tail. Here it will be necessary to squeeze out at any cost. You can set the mobts on another. Karoch expanse. The so-called firkosorki (sorry firkax, but this is how they christened the fleeing sorceresses). they can also run into a s ... aku and fall from mobts.
It seems to me that the cold-sorech will have a big advantage, since the raises are cut "-100" on the helle. And given the limited equipment, you need to somehow balance.
That xs, how to do it at all. We need your thoughts, approvals, complaints, whatever. This will help me to dazzle at least something from this idea.

Rivnyanyn 25.12.21

Meaning xts : your charm or live. either in a dressing gown. And the meaning of my idea to stay alive, a kind of reality show)
more meaning
For some reason reminded me: Fragile logical theories of a weak person desperately trying to justify his existence, aimless and meaningless © Agent Smith; D

bd_sm [TDPG] 25.12.21

Rivnyanyn The
host does not work at all the way you write. And this is all damp, we need solid specifics.

Еpiscop_moo 25.12.21

In the film of the same name, the driving force behind the plot was the guarantee of your life if you win the hunger games. In other words, you will not get out of the forest, and either you will die or you will kill / survive everyone. Here I don't see such an incentive, we need to come up with some kind of "plot" that makes the players rummage around the locations, kill each other and so on. The very first and uninteresting thing that comes to mind is to introduce a prize fund the size of ~ Sur +, for such runes on the xts (on the PG), some will not only kill, but also abuse the grave. In general, yes, the confrontation between the players with an admixture of psychological drama is a very interesting action, only you need to think it over carefully.

Еpiscop_moo 25.12.21

So, for example, a Gulu contribution or more can be done.
There may not be anyone who wants to rush into a naked Persian in a crowd of Fallenov for a drone, at least at first, until the project is settled.

SpoilerLol, I was just thinking, you can expand the hunger games, for example, like this. For beginners at xc, players can be offered a ready-made high-level character, but with the condition that once every two weeks this character participates in hunger games. In case of fraudsters, passwords can be restored by mail, to which the organizer previously registers such accounts. Do not give any gear at all or give only a basic one, such as krapo-spirit or wizardspike. All in all, the idea is a bit too much because of the need to rely on the honesty of the players, but it would be fun to get people to play their one and only Persian in such fierce competition. Even the prize fund would not be needed: if you win, your character is yours, if you lose, go for a walk.

lait_one 25.12.21

Episcop_moo takes time to level up. probably no one will bother. ))

bd_sm [TDPG] 25.12.21

Funding is only external, quality is only centralized
Everything else has slipped into dull shit, without even starting

bd_sm [TDPG] 25.12.21

Author, if you don't want to bother with these two aspects, you better close the topic

Obsessed 25.12.21

Financing is only external
bd_sm [TDPG], wait a firm will come and write for the Jakhov's chest. (

bd_sm [TDPG] 25.12.21

enemies of blacks sheriff don't worry

Obsessed 25.12.21

bd_sm [TDPG], did not really understand who in the context of the negro. : D

Archon guard 25.12.21

bd_sm [TDPG] the
opinions of the blacks of the sheriff do not care about the
problems of the Indians, the leader does not f *** - that's how it was in the original, and your expression, sir, is nothing more than a later plagiarism and proof that at least the Indians are aborigines, unlike the sheriff) )

bd_sm [TDPG] 25.12.21

Sheriff is the one who can push through. Negroes can only push through a drop, and, as you guessed, not runes or gear.

firkax 25.12.21

Wait a firk will come and write for the Jakhov's chest of

Obsessed 25.12.21

firkax, well, if I didn’t confuse anything, "external funding" of any game event is the issuance of drawn runes by the administration to the winner (s). and count up, people will sit down and will attack Alera offers "uncle, and let more muddied tournament? !!" and then become rich and ponadelat currently runvordov any ((

you guessed or not runes of gear.
bd_sm [TDPG], at the drop of a connection admin?: D

bd_sm [TDPG] 25.12.21

Not by an administrator, but by sympathizers. To organize a non-zero-sum game among the participants.