galactic prison
---I wonder who or rather what is contained there?
A primitive, and therefore the most understandable example: in space, according to theories, there are certain phenomena called "wormholes" (warp, immaterium, hyperspace, etc., etc.). The process of their functioning can be observed in many films about brave space travelers. And what is this ... "mole", what has he done? It would be breathtaking to say the least.
I wonder if it exists, what is it like?
General mode as in "Guardians of the Galaxy", stricter - "Chronicles of Riddick".
in space according to theories
This author is only interested in facts, believe me.
Le Gaspilleur
Then he obviously chose the wrong topic for discussion. The very posing of the question "if it exists" presupposes a departure from the solid ground of the known to the depths of the unknown.
Grevol A working
model, I presume?
We have... Are you interested in projecting it into hearts and minds as a spiritual symbol, or direct integration, which is an order of magnitude more difficult? Or something third? For example: do I smoke anything extra there or is there any other question that is not directly or indirectly related to the subject of discussion?
I don't smoke there anything extra
it would be too simple) no. in fact, I have nothing against peaceful crazy rampages only in their own fantasy
"...peaceful madmen rampaging only in their own fantasy"
I am peaceful - I agree, I don't waste my nerves on trifles. Crazy is unlikely. At least until this is found explicit confirmation.
Cool topic. Too lazy to think of anything. Unless to fight with someone.
Briefly speaking.
The author is g .... and oh ..... and a little more x ..... Gee, gee, gee ...
In my opinion, there is no such thing, but nothing prevents one civilization from stupidly calling its prison on a distant planet "galactic" =)
Jail is a conflict with the
Optional system.
That is, in order to be in prison, it is not at all necessary to be there ...
Pani Vasilyeva?
The state of conflict with the system is a prison, and at the same time, you can be anywhere.
Zhezha Chichvarkin in London? I want to be in that prison too.
Oh my... Dude, do you ever re-read what you write?
That is, in order to be in prison, it is not at all necessary to be there,
The state of conflict with the system is the prison.
That is, the fighters with the system are prisoners, but they do not know ... Clearly. It was evening, there was nothing.
galactic prison?
etozh skoko it was necessary to tar ...
people do not. The United States probably has a current on the far side of the moon here. shuttles go there periodically once a month.
purely in theory, a highly developed civilization pitch can have such a place where all sorts of feathers are employed,
however, the system of all kinds of onal tortures and punishments is a human invention
in a highly developed casmic civilization, most likely there is no such thing. current concentration camps and stoves here. because the evidence of guilt is likely to be more thorough with the growth of technology, and the value of life is inspired by the politics of humanism. without it, there will simply remain usefulness and harmfulness for the pitch of society. How about feeding cancer cells?
"Prison is a conflict with the system ..."
That's how it means - politics. Okay, okay, then the structure of the prison is very simple: four walls, bounded along the vertical axis by a floor from below and a ceiling from above. There is an exit in one of the walls. Performs a decorative function. Furnishings: table, chair, computer. Internet. The browser has tabs with political forums, online polls and online voting. For many "fighters" with the System, it looks like this.
True, there is only one truth. There are not two or three of them, she is one, this is an objective reality. Further, the opinion of one person may or may not coincide with the truth. If it matches, this person is objective and right. If not, then it's wrong. In the second case, a person can be mistaken, not knowing the truth, or lie when he knows it, but hides and distorts it. In the media and politics, this is a typical case. In my state, lying would be a criminal offense =] Failing a polygraph test - punishment.
You can't lie, God told you not to lie. God is right. Yes, and I'm right) No need to lie, it's not good.
Russia, in this case, is in an international prison, since it is in a state of conflict with the international community.
with the Western community.
The term "international community" is a brand name for the media. India, China, Brazil, Venezuela, Iran .. these countries are not included in this community, and there will be more people there than in this "international community".
But how to go through all the difficulties and misfortunes together?
What are you talking about? Everyone is there together: Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars and Russians. Together they waited for the "train of friendship" (the Nazis pissed and fled when they found out that they were already waiting for them at the point).
Wow, we got to the point of having sex. Of all the measures of any magnitude, the length of the pipe was again chosen, which suggests that fixing on something may well turn out to be a prison, not even of a galactic, but of a Universal scale. Well, in this situation, I am quite ready to believe that "to be in prison it is not at all necessary to be there." I hope you never find a way out of there.