Masons (Diablo 2)
So many options .. What do you think - which one is better to go to?Hmm. Sorry, I'm not a mathematician, otherwise I would now calculate the probability of a positive outcome. oh well :S
multiply the chance of a no-drop by the number of loots, and subtract the product from one
Sanchez Ramirez
Do you seriously think that you need to be a mathematician to calculate something there?
Yes, because it's all too tricky for me. I never liked mathematics, and even more so TV.
Do you only help Sanchez with mathematics? And then I have a couple of questions, though not on TV.
And then I haven’t knocked out SOJ
MagicFind for a long time, welcome to the brotherhood. now there are two of us. only I'm not MF-lu, so my chances of not catching soj = ~100%. and Jax = ~998%, because the dispersion! :(
PS I play on class.
"I play on cl" - I got resets for several years - so you don't want to start over?
MagicFind, I would say differently: I got everything that was BETWEEN the resets. ;D
Objectively, cl cannot be bigger than lod, because the lod is, in principle, full-fledged, and modern classics are a miserable two-build stump. Another thing is that due to the oversaturation of the same lode with the same type of cheat runewords and uniques, a natural desire arises to become a monk and clean xx with a shard in a trembling hand and with a tweak on a bare belly. So the current classic exists as an appendage for wigmakers and as an outlet for the jaded. I am sure that if LoD had funny rarques and no wigs, our dear Obsessed would be the first to run there to play, to look for the yellow vulture of his dreams.
classic - miserable two-build stump
how beautifully spat into the soul, bastard! ;D Episya, why are you not published yet?! =)
if there were funny rarks on the LoD
Episcop_moo, we can even formulate a general one: if there were more surprises on the boat, or at least a little more chance for a surprise.
in other words, it would be great if there were, for example, 10% fcr on mages and trangs, and up to 20% on rares. something like this.
Spoiler alert, for example, imba-surprise. not hoto with guaranteed 40% fcr.