Problems of gameplay (The Guild 2)
The theme for questions on the gaming process, for technical questions and problems is another topicIn economic terms, the first part of the Guild much stronger... and bugs in the gold edition are virtually absent... be sure to check it out if you have not done so... (=
Yes? Thank you for the you know, I read a review of the LCI and ag - was immediately taken with the phrase in comparison with the first part, the second freedom of action and select the path where there is more and immediately started a second play...but again I advise - try it first, especially considering all the bugs in the second part, is scary for a new to start playing (=
And you do not know the case as Ги2 pirates Euro seas become king? I've already got all the titles, took 3 of the top posts characters, free map
And 1 question actually for the gameplay.
Don't know how to do the 2 following things:
1) That would be for season 1 were not 4 years, and 1
2) What would this character was aging in proportion, not 4 years for a season, that is the same for 1 year.
Can script what to tweak and how, or is there already a patch...what I would like to know
Open with Notepad the file _Endless (The Guild 2/Scripts/Campaign/_Endless) and replace it with the contents of it here:
СпойлерInclude (campaign/DefaultCampaign.lua)
function GetWorld()
local WorldName
WorldName = GetSettingString(ENDLESS, World, )
return WorldName
function Prepare()
local Time = GetSettingNumber(ENDLESS, Starttime, 4)
local StartSeason = GetSettingNumber(ENDLESS, StartSeason, 1)
local StartYear = GetSettingNumber(ENDLESS, StartYear, 1400)
SetTime(StartSeason, StartYear, Time, 0)
return true
CreatePlayerDynasty function(ID, SpawnPoint, PeerID, PlayerDesc)
local PlayerDynasty = GetSettingNumber(ENDLESS, PlayerDynasty, 1)
if PlayerDynasty == 0 then
local Error = defaultcampaign_CreateDynasty(ID, SpawnPoint, true, PeerID, PlayerDesc)
if Error ~= then
return Error
local CityAlias = City
if not GetSettlement(boss, CityAlias) then
local Building
local Number = 1
while true do
Building = GetSettingString(ENDLESS, Building..Number, )
if Building== then
local BuildingType
BuildingType = Name2BuildingType(Building )
if BuildingType~=0 then
if CityGetRandomBuilding(CityAlias, nil, BuildingType, -1, -1, FILTER_IS_BUYABLE, Building) then
BuildingBuy(Building, boss, BM_STARTUP)
local Proto = ScenarioFindBuildingProto(nil, BuildingType, 1, -1)
if Proto and Proto~=-1 then
if CityBuildNewBuilding(CityAlias, Proto, nil, Workshop) then
BuildingBuy(Workshop, boss, BM_STARTUP)
Number = Number + 1
PS the Game will have to start again... (=
Thank you very much, this character will age by 1 year and take place during the season 1 year will be?
By the way, do not know the case, why such a situation in the game:
I am not very frustrating, but all the same - about marriage of the characters, for whatever reason, you can marry only characters with the status unemployed? That is only 1st level NPC unemployed. For example and noblewomen, ladies or noblewomen, holding any office or having the status of at least townswoman to take a wife is impossible, even if she is not with someone in marriage. Always when I build icon courting on the Internet to write the last representative of the dynasty or just a grey icon. But as I no longer play, and I play for a long time, 2nd time already, even before 1690 played =), you can marry only the unemployed girls, who live in a hut for the workers.
Version 1.2 (typical of the Guild 2) to get married you on whom you want... however, the developers have changed their attitude and corrected the patch in favor of balance... too simple became game... (=
I see, well I wouldn't say that the game is complicated this, although I have not played with the fact that I was still married at all, but mine is not too udrzitelneho, still the wife acquires the husband's status, from rags to riches as they say)). And about my opinion it is easier to kill the competition all with his gang of thugs mercenaries armed two-handed and armor, than married for the sake of profit ). And experience along with excellent gives you for murder...I cut the whole hierarchical ladder in the city,took 3 chapters. places and cleaned up the lower classes sometimes)). And the competition is zero)). Well, while I'm here talking, it's a matter of taste,as anyone
The king is dead, long live the king!) Still developed city to the capital and happened to be king)
But such a question, I have 2 times used the ability to Convene a crusade. A character standing in the square, agitated people, people gathered around, armed, screaming...but nothing then happened,the agitation ended and the people all campaign,no Jerusalem,no gold, no artifacts )). I don't know why?
That the script was changed (to the one that you threw up for at least 1 year has passed for the season) and the game won't start, or rather in the process of beginning a new game, loading bar almost until the end comes and hangs, in task Manager, it says that the game works without hanging, but the bar is not moving. I don't know why so can be?
Check whether kopirnul the text from the spoiler... maybe place some missed... No one, as far as I know, this script was not a problem... (=
Don't know, everything seems OK saved. Not working for some reason the script. Maybe because of the version of the game? Although unlikely, I have pirates of the European seas 1.20 Russian.
The trouble is even the fucking script backup forgot reinstall now so have no source code by any chance?
By the way, if there is, please send me your script file converted from the Guild, I will try to throw to yourself, can help.
[email protected]
Version game the script just does not depend on XS, in what can be a screw-up... (=
PS Sent, check your e-mail...
well, you helped me again, thank you very much)
With your script edited everything is OK, it works, apparently I have something nabocany when copied by hand, the size of the string got lost or something like that )
The only thing that the characters not 1ному year and 2 added. Well, nothing better than 4, and is 4 years 1 now passes, kicks )
people, at me such problem..I play Renaissance and don't know how to sell goods which are necessary for the Guild...where the goods to send?