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LOL_SOFT 12.12.19 05:52 am

Tuchodi screen during boot

Hi all, again I came back to this forum)
Well, not about this.
So that's my problem:
Assembled a computer from old parts left everything except the CPU, GP, OP, block 350 watt if that
Stuck to 1650 mini itx GTX oc from Gigabyte
First start the PC, everything is OK, rolls Windows, everything works, but until you start to install the driver for your video card after installation, and sometimes during it, just goes out the screen when you reboot, it comes to start Windows and goes out again
I went into safe mode, everything is OK, demolition wood, clean the computer using ddu, put an old driver, it does not give any results, tried several versions of Windows, different Assembly that wines 7 10
Thought the fact that I use an adapter from display port to vga, but when connected to the TV via HDMI also gave no results...
Hispanice guys, hope you
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LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

Oops, after restarting the computer gave a blue screen error nvlddmkm.sys again reboots

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

Driver updates via expires and driver pack didn't help, update from Microsoft also

KlausBarbie 12.12.19

well, very similar to otaku chip...I have the same on the rx 280 was..the same symptoms driver , without it, she quietly works in vga mode , with all drivers... crashes right after the slider download. once the driver is removed from safe mode , everything works. All that power is not enough for me garbage.... map when you're in Windows so do not eat Here... once you load it up in game or editors , so there might be power shortage. And so in the BP case clearly.

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

Kapets, here's a new card...
To say what companies I will no longer take credit cards?)
Damn, the bullshit is and how to live now, right now, will hand over on a guarantee, and to take in exchange?
Well, supposedly the rx 570 the rules will be?

SonyK_2 12.12.19

Your motherboard has integrated graphics:

Maybe the problem for her - try to disable the built in BIOS-e.

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

That is, disable the onboard graphics?
A small tutorial is possible?)

KlausBarbie 12.12.19

Yes 570 level... So if you recently took the map bring it back within 14 days have to change. 10 days like if I ordered from the date it purchases... This crap isn't worth it just) Like Vario have friends with computers?) Bring them vidyahu , try on other mother.... only from the native scrub.. not sure If it will be exactly the same , run to the store returns it is too late..

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

No, the problem is something else, I bought it back in September, there were troubles, she was lying in the box and bided his time, and only now I started to collect PC

KlausBarbie 12.12.19

well then as Varick Pitesti it on another computer...repair if a collective farm ,where you can revive if lead balls inside the gpu to melt REBOL but I need a hair dryer construction or the station..maybe a ride...but not for long.. and iron farm done , but with care it is necessary , possible and useful to burn. Although you have it still under warranty , can the service center to take a long time ...but if you conclude that the jamb is not yours , need new to give.

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

I have a choice somewhere in the tab chipset
From the fact that I switch, nothing changes

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

I will not poke my nose in for repair, immediately hand over on a guarantee
But first still paramanu

SonyK_2 12.12.19

In the instructions for your motherboard, provided that you can choose from 3 options: you need PCI Express.
After switching on it, try to completely remove and put again the video card driver.

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

I do not remember, perhaps it was, can once again try

SonyK_2 12.12.19

What you want, but that's faster than a bear to check / to pass on the warranty. But just try to install the driver yourself by downloading the installer from the official nVidia installer...
...do not upgrade them...
LOL_SOFT wrote:
...through expires and driver PAC...
What OS and drivers? - 7-ke to install the driver version is newer 436.48 in the system may need updates kb3020369 and kb3125574-v4. Without them during installation can be a black screen followed by a system restore or start in safe mode and remove drivers completely (the so).

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

Anyway the session will start:D
Not to be PC, and the graphics card is there for more than 45 days can not be)

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

Nothing has changed

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

Right now is a 10-minute, last obnovleny, but there is no sense...

LOL_SOFT 12.12.19

Oops, noticed now is: when booting, after about 15 minutes as the idle I get an error about which I wrote above

What can be the reason?

SonyK_2 12.12.19

LOL_SOFT wrote:
....blue screen error nvlddmkm.sys...
...bug related to nVidia driver. And something else...
LOL_SOFT wrote:
...RAM Kingston hyper x 2x8gb...
Somewhere a typo?

Lodurr 12.12.19

LOL_SOFT wrote:
Here, the only way
Yeah really. )
Not well, you can still via photoshop, to make pontoniinae. Only it takes a little time, and know the parameters of the iron work for these conditions.
Gave you not even a screenshot, and the name Gigabyte. Today to try to chipout on gigs, the same as the pug barking at the elephant. By the way, this year they said that RAM going to release. )