Pull my BP RTX 2060
All welcome. Found out yesterday that I have the Deposit account was opened with a fairly decent amount in this regard is thinking about upgrading.Briefly about my situation now is 1066 GTX and PSU Aerocool VX - 600, I know that now everyone will write about how I haven't lost a hut in the fire, etc. etc. But in my defense, I write that this PSU was still under the old owner, because the computer bought with in 2017, there originally stood gth 660 and AMD FKH 4300, but not the essence.
BP good shows here already as 2 years, absolutely no problem. And here's the question: if we can Start the comp, if you stick RTX 2060, because there is minimum PSU on the 500V and 400V 1060 was
Denis Kyokushin
Well even so, should be enough, estimated all expenses, sell the PS4, the mother must remain 8 thousand and 6 thousand BP. In General, will have a look, see what the prices will gather while in the cart that will take
You must understand one thing,to save the mother, then freezes in the next kintz, who ship some, the idea is that your Pitch shouldn't but WILL.RAM and CPU are working as one.For example,take mom, and she does not give above 2400MHz on the RAM, and all over your happiness.And straps that took, say, with bad timings, and their drive is required.That's myself and made Peoplemy
Denis Kyokushin
Now Ryzen 5 1600 and memory at 2400MHz, but there are no problems, nothing slows it depends on the map etc.
Denis Kyokushin
Delay memory high but for Riesen is the norm.
It just so happened that the failed chips have memory above 2400 not in any takes.
GIBAY wrote:
It just so happened that the failed chips have memory above 2400 not in any takes.
When I bought my strap,I got certified was 3000Мгц.Just mother tongue,for her recommendations of no more than 2400MHz spelled out,but I can 3133Мгц exhibit.3200 takes.I when buying did not pay attention on the K3,my mother has a K5 and K7.And MSI praising Tomahawk.
If your games do not feel high latency,then fine,play and be satisfied.I'd tried to understate timings