Name your favorite character from any games!
Who is the most beloved character of the games (can name more than one)For example: GTA SA, Far Cry 1 2 3 4 5 Primal, Mass Effect 1 2 3, etc
We are strangers. We are constantly moving forward and looking back. Individually and all together. We cannot do this. Because we are curious. Because we are afraid of what will happen if we stop. You are now researchers. We say goodbye, and you throw the last look back... But know that wherever you go, we will always be with you. It was commander Shepard. Out. something like that!!???
So many favorite characters from the games, but I do know that the most favorite in the games is TITS
Grandfather Mole
So that's why your son sideways out of the corner and goes for the girls at recess with a chainsaw chases.
mr.Grimlock wrote:
Artem says nothing at all all the way
Anyway, he tells the story and their experiences in the downloads, and diaries, which correspond to the game ) But if you just run and shoot in all directions, but he is silent, playing a CD ))